
diàn wén
  • message;text;content of a telegram
电文 [diàn wén]
  • [message] 电报的文字内容

电文[diàn wén]
  1. 您在我们奋力抗争时发来的电文让我充满了敬意。

    I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle .

  2. GPS新民用导航电文简约历书的算法和性能分析

    The algorithm and performance analysis of the reduced almanac of GPS civil navigation message

  3. 常用GPS载波相位差分电文格式分析与比较

    Analysis and comparison of carrier phase DGPS data formats

  4. GPS软件接收机导航电文提取的研究

    Navigation Data Extraction Based on GPS Software Receiver

  5. 因此,GPS差分协议和差分电文的算法是差分系统必须考虑的两个问题。

    So the DGPS data formats and base station algorithm are the two important problems of DGPS system .

  6. 导航电文产生功能模块是高动态GPS卫星信号模拟器要解决的一项关键技术。

    Producing functional module of navigation data is a key technique that the high dynamic GPS signal simulator must solve .

  7. 第二起攻击涉及一家商业银行,电文网络Swift拒绝透露其名字。

    The second attack involves a commercial bank that Swift declined to identify .

  8. 罗兰C发射台将编码后的电文信息调制在信号脉冲上,以广播方式发送给用户,用户接收机对接收到的信号进行解调和解码后,输出电文信息。

    Loran - C transmitter modulates the signal using encoded message , then broadcasts the message . The receiver demodulates the signal and decodes the message .

  9. 基于STK的高动态GPS卫星信号模拟器导航电文生成

    Production of Navigation Message of High Dynamic GPS Signal Simulator Based on STK

  10. 关于GPSL5导航电文的编码特点研究

    Encoding Characteristics of GPS L5 Navigation Message

  11. 在本文中,主要完成了以下工作:1、分析了GPS接收机在接收到GPS信号后解调出的导航电文中包含的各种信息。

    Analysis of the GPS receiver in which the received signal to the GPS after the demodulated navigation message contains various information . 2 .

  12. GPS用户利用导航电文中的历书数据进行卫星可见性的计算和预报。

    The almanac data in GPS navigation message is used by the user of GPS to calculate and forecast the visibility of navigation satellites .

  13. GPS差分协议RTCM电文分析与应用

    Analysis and application on RTCM format for differential GPS

  14. 针对自主研发的GPS原理样机,对卫星在轨坐标解算、导航电文获取进行了阐述和研究。

    By working on the self-developed prototype of GPS , the coordinates of the satellite in orbit calculation , navigation message access and research are described .

  15. 为了能使普通商用GPS接收机正确接收伪卫星信号并输出观测值,研究了伪卫星的导航电文构成与改进,实现了其设计方案。

    The navigation message for pseudolite has been improved , because we want to get the measurements from an ordinary business receiver that received signal of pseudolites .

  16. 本篇文章主要是针对GPS数字信号的编码、导航电文的解析、以及硬件的实现进行的研究。

    This article is mainly directed against the study which includes GPS digital signal coding , the analysis of navigation message , as well as the hardware implementation .

  17. GLONASS导航电文介绍航行情报与飞行安全

    Navigation message of GLONASS Information and Safety of Navigation

  18. 另外,为了验证RTK电文算法的正确性,本文还编程实现了对RTCM协议电文的解码和编码工作。

    The coding and decoding of RTCM message are realized using program .

  19. 只有一份电报,这是一个月以前从克利夫兰城打来的,电文是'J·H.现在欧洲',

    except a single telegram , dated from Cleveland about a month ago , and containing the words , ' J. H.is in Europe . '

  20. 对客户端与服务器之间在数据通讯时使用的电文格式进行了分析,研究了C/S(Client/Server)互通信息的内容,主要是两大类:命令与命令执行的结果;

    Having analyzed telegram message ( communicated between the client end and the server ) format and studied C / S exchanging the information content that mainly is two big categories : command and command executing result .

  21. 完成了GPS接收机数据采集的串口编程,并分析了NMEA-0183电文格式,给出了GPS信号提取程序流程图,并编程实现。

    The serial port program for GPS data collecting , the format of NMEA-0183 sentences , and the GPS information extracting flow chart are given .

  22. GLONASS导航电文介绍

    Navigation message of GLONASS

  23. 任何银行,除了通知行要求转让此信用证,必须用SWIFT电文通知开证行得到其许可。

    Any bank , other than the advising bank , who are requested to transfer this credit , must request the permission from the issuing bank by SWIFT .

  24. 电文处理系统(MHS)及其实现

    Message Handling System MHS and Its Implementation

  25. 计算机按星座参数及转发的电文内容模拟错误定位结果,计算出位置偏移和移动GPS信号转发器与导弹的位置关系,判断转发器干扰导弹的效果。

    Mistaken location results were simulated by computer according to constellation parameter and transmitted message code , and location excursion and location relations between transmitted receiver and missile was computed , judged various results for jamming missile .

  26. 简述了差分GPS(DGPS)定位原理以及RTCMSC-104数据格式及其电文编码。

    The differential GPS ( DGPS ) positioning principle is introduced , and RTCM SC-104 message content is also described .

  27. SWIFT是一个全球性的电文传递网络,被世界各地的银行和其他金融机构用来发送支付指令,它已成为全球金融体系的重要组成部分。

    Swift is a global messaging network used by banks and other financialfirms across the world to send payment instructions and has become a vital partof the global financial architecture .

  28. 利用GPS导航电文调制周期为20个C/A码周期的特性,将块叠加(BlockAddition)频域捕获的思想应用于GPS信号频域跟踪,从而大幅度节约计算量,为实时跟踪创造条件。

    As the feature of a GPS data bit is 20 ms long and contains 20 C / A codes , block Addition acquisition method is used in tracking to reduce computational load and make preparations for tracking in real-time .

  29. 实现了对GPS信号的混频与积分转储,对数字信号的基带处理,最终正确解码导航电文,完成卫星和用户位置的定位,而且在上位机上实时显示结果。

    This receiver could realize mixing , integration and dumping of GPS signal , base-band processing of digital signal , correctly decoding navigation message , positioning of satellites and user , and displaying the result in real time .

  30. 根据导航电文中的广播星历和IGS提供的精密星历对GPS共视比对结果中的几何时延误差进行了改正。

    The geometric delay errors for GPS common view time comparison between remote clocks are corrected according to broadcasting ephemeris of navigation information and precise ephemeris that IGS provides .