
diàn jià
  • Electricity price;electrovalence
电价[diàn jià]
  1. 电价与电力需求侧管理二次电价管理的计算机实现

    Electrovalence and Electrical Demand-side Management Computer Realization of Secondary Power Price Management

  2. 当前电价中存在的问题及改革设想

    The Problems about the Present Electrovalence and Improvement Suggestions

  3. GM(1,2)短期现货电价灰色预测模型

    The GM ( 1,2 ) short-term spot price forecasting grey model

  4. 分时电价下电锅炉经济运行的BP网络负荷预测

    Load Forecasting Based on BP ANN for Economical Operation of Electric Boiler with Heat Reservoir Under Time-sharing price

  5. 上网电价预测中运用修正神经元输出函数对BP模型动态修正的探索

    Research of dynamic tuning of BP model with amending nerve cell output function in the forecast of pool purchase price

  6. 市场力MP(marketpower)是指市场参与者能够影响市场价格的能力,在电力市场中则表现为市场内电力公司影响市场出清电价的能力。

    Market power is the ability of the market participants affecting the market price , which is the ability of the electricity companies affecting the clear market price in the oligopoly electricity market .

  7. 激励Stackelberg策略下的电价算法

    Power Pricing Algorithm Based on Incentive Stackelberg Strategy

  8. 为了克服BP神经网络自身算法的缺陷,得到更高的学习精度和更快的收敛速度,该文建立了基于遗传算法的小波神经网络电价预测模型。

    In order to avoid the limitation of the BP neural networks , this paper establishes the electricity price forecasting model using wavelet neural networks based on the genetic algorithm .

  9. 对变压器最佳负载率βopt进行了推导,给出了算例,并对基本电价进行了讨论。

    The optimal load coefficient (β opt ) of transformer is derived . The example is presented . The basic price for electricity is discussed .

  10. 基于BARY曲线的基本电价测算模型研究

    Study on Basic Tariff Reckoning Model of Power Market Based on BARY Curve

  11. 在这一预测系统中,通过Agent技术将系统理论、需求预测、电价预测、信息收集与知识发现技术紧密地结合起来,以提高供电市场中用电需求预测的准确性。

    By means of agent technique , in this forecasting system the power system theory , power demand forecasting , electricity price forecasting , information acquisition and knowledge discovery are tightly integrated to improve the accuracy of power demand forecasting in power supply market .

  12. 研究表明,双边交易的定价要受到同时存在的Pool电价的影响,且双边交易的利益不平均分配是可以被交易双方接受的。

    The results of the research show that the bargaining of bilateral transaction is influenced by the coexisting power pool price and the overbalance of benefit distribution can be accepted at this moment by the two sides of the bilateral transaction .

  13. 经过分析得出上网电价为20&25分人民币/KW·h情况下的固定投资、年利息率和资金回收期的控制值。

    Finally , the electric price in connection-grid was calculated , and from an analysis , When it is equal to 20-25 fen ( RMB ) / kw · h , the control values of fixed investment , annual interest rate and fund recycle period were determined .

  14. 对美国PJM电力市场的峰荷时段、腰荷时段和低谷时段的LMP实时电价分别进行了预测。

    It has been used to forecast the LMP at low load period , medium load period and peak load period in American PJM power market .

  15. 算出了在目前的经济条件下,中压蒸汽(3.5MPa,435℃)的最优流速是12m/s左右,且随着材料价格与电价的比值的增大而增大。

    The optimal velocity of middle pressure steam was about 12 m / s in the present condition . It would be increased with the raising of the ratio of material price to electricity price .

  16. 在IEEE-14测试系统的计算结果表明,算法反映了安全因素和经济因素的关系,有助于建立电力市场中合理的用户电价体系。

    Numerical result from IEEE-14 test system shows that the presented algorithm reflects the relationship of security and economy and is helpful to construct reasonable pricing system in power market .

  17. 得出投资约占总成本费用的45%、煤的含硫量对电价增量的敏感性较小、而对脱除每千克SO2经济性的敏感性很大的结论;

    Reaches the following conclusions : the investment accounts for about 45 % of the total cost , the sensitivity of sulfur content of coal on the increment of electricity price is smaller , while the sensitivity on the economics of per kg of desulfurized SO2 is very big ;

  18. 本文分别建立了基于DC-OPF和AC-OPF的电能交易数学模型,推导了节点电价及其各分量计算公式,分析了节点电价特性和基于节点电价的市场参与者收支情况。

    The result shows the feasibility and practicality of this approach . ( 3 ) The DC-OPF and AC-OPF based mathematical model for power transaction are established respectively . The formula for calculating node price and its individual components is proposed .

  19. 浅谈电力经济运行管理与电价政策

    Humble opinion of electric economical operation management and electricity cost policy

  20. 使计算出的结果不仅有有功实时电价,还有无功实时电价。

    Its result includes active spot price and reactive spot price .

  21. 目前我国电价仍受管制。

    In China at present the electricity price is still regulated .

  22. 分时电价下综合利用水库水电站的运营方式研究

    Scheduling of hydropower station with multi-purpose reservoir for timed power tariff

  23. 配网分时电价实用预测模型研究

    Study on the Time-Sharing Price Practical Forecasting Model in Distribution Networks

  24. 电力市场电价分析及预测研究

    The Research of Electricity Price Analysis and Forecasting in Electricity Market

  25. 提出了一种电力市场环境下节点电价的新模型。

    New nodal pricing model in power market environment is presented .

  26. 改革电价加快电力发展

    Regulate electricity pricing to speed up development of electric power industry

  27. 居民生活用电峰谷电价的综合经济效应

    The Integrated Economic Effect of Residential Peak and Valley Electricity Price

  28. 在线支持向量机回归算法在电力市场电价预测中的应用

    Application of Accurate Online Support Vector Regression in Energy Price Forecast

  29. 资金利润电价计算方法及改进

    Calculation Method of Electricity Price According to Capital-Profit and Its Improvement

  30. 实时电价模型的发展及其影响因素综述

    Survey on Development and Influenced Factor of Real-time Electricity Price Model