
yù tù
  • the Jade Hare -- the moon;Jade Hare-the moon
玉兔 [yù tù]
  • (1) [Jade Hare-the moon]

  • (2) 月宫里的兔

  • (3) 又指月亮

  • 玉兔东升

玉兔[yù tù]
  1. 玉兔东升。

    The moon was rising in the east .

  2. 2013年,中国将玉兔号(JadeRabbit)月球车送上月球。然而,玉兔号的太阳能电池板出了故障,导致它事实上无法继续工作。

    It landed a moon rover , the Jade Rabbit , on the moon in 2013 but a defect in the rover 's solar panels means it is effectively defunct .

  3. 这只兔子的名字是「玉兔呈祥」。

    The name of the rabbit is Peaceful Rabbit in Harmony .

  4. 今年1月,月球车玉兔遭遇了比较严重的机构控制问题。

    The Jade Rabbit suffered a serious mechanical problem in January .

  5. 就是由月亮上的玉兔演化过来的。

    It is an adaptation of the jade hare on the moon .

  6. 月宫里,有一只可爱的玉兔陪伴她。

    In the palace , a jade hare accompanies her .

  7. 玉兔月球车的预期运行期限是三个月左右。

    The lunar rover was expected to operate for about three months .

  8. 但是,2010年玉兔袅袅升空将被视为一个所谓的蓝月亮。

    Revelers ringing in2010 will be treated to a so-called blue moon .

  9. 那只宝贝玉兔在哪?

    That treasure jade hare on the moon in ?

  10. 中国的玉兔号月球车正在探索月球。

    China 's Jade Rabbit , lunar rover is now exploring the Moon .

  11. 去年12月15日玉兔月球车的部署是自1976年后的首次成功登月。

    Its deployment on 15 December was the first successful landing on the Moon since 1976 .

  12. 据北京航天飞行控制中心消息,六轮月球车“玉兔”顺利驶抵月球表面。

    The six-wheeled rover has touched the lunar surface , according to Beijing Aerospace Control Center .

  13. 对不育系玉兔S在两系杂交水稻生产中的应用前景作了讨论。

    The prospects of utilization of Yutu S in the two-line hybrid rice production were discussed .

  14. “玉兔二号”月球车将使用红外成像光谱仪对月球岩石进行科学测试。

    Rover Yutu-2 will use an infrared imaging spectrometer to carry out scientific testing on lunar rocks .

  15. “嫦娥三号”将携带着陆器和名为“玉兔”的月球车。

    Chang'e-3 comprises a lander and a moon rover called " Yutu " ( Jade Rabbit ) .

  16. 民间传说月亮上有广寒宫,宫里住着嫦娥和玉兔。

    According to a Chinese folktale , Fairy Chang E lives with her moon rabbit in the Moon Palace .

  17. 据中国官方媒体报道,尽管遭遇了技术问题,中国首只月球车玉兔存在被救活的可能性。

    China 's first lunar rover could potentially be saved , despite experiencing mechanical problems , state media report .

  18. 每当中秋月亮升起,全家人围桌而坐,把酒临风赏明月、邀玉兔。

    Whenever the Mid-Autumn moon rises , the whole family handed down reward bright moon , jade , wine invited moon .

  19. 因此她命令玉兔砸碎长寿药,并为自己建立了一个宫殿并且居住在月亮上面。

    So she ordered the hare to pound the pill , built a palace for herself and remained on the moon .

  20. 尊敬仙女嫦娥和玉兔的习俗已经没了,但月饼每年都在改进。

    The custom of paying homage to the fairy and rabbit is gone , but the moon cakes are showing improvement every year .

  21. 中国“玉兔”号月球车出现机构控制异常,有关方面正在组织专家进行排查。

    China 's moon rover , Yutu ( Jade Rabbit ) , has experienced a mechanical control abnormality , and scientists are organizing repairs .

  22. 假如我能飞,我要在宁静的夜晚飞到月亮身边,陪陪孤寂的嫦娥,抱抱那只可爱的玉兔。

    If I could fly , beside quiet night I want to fly to the Moon , accompany lonely Chang , hold that lovely Yutu .

  23. 四川青年理发师黄鑫与他的头发丝作品“玉兔”在北京给大家拜大年。

    The young hairdresser Huang Xin from Sichuan Province with his " jade rabbits " made by hair paid an early New Year call in Beijing .

  24. 中国的玉兔号月球车在去年12月份成功登陆月球,这是近40年来地球设备首次登月。

    Its ' Jade Rabbit ' moon rover , the first Earth vehicle to visit the lunar surface in almost 40 years , successfully landed last December .

  25. 此前中国媒体的报道称,“玉兔”已在月球表面“死亡”。

    Earlier reports in Chinese media had suggested that Jade Rabbit , or Yutu in Chinese , had been declared dead on the surface of the moon .

  26. 顺便说一句,这就是中国探月工程名称的由来--嫦娥探月工程和玉兔月球车。

    By the way , this is how the name of China 's lunar exploration project came about , Chang'e Project and the Jade Rabbit Moon Rover .

  27. 根据在发布会上展示的图片显示,该火星车有六个轮子,由四个太阳能板驱动,要比“玉兔”多两个。

    Images displayed at press conference showed a device with six wheels , powered by four solar panels , two more than the rover sent to the moon .

  28. “玉兔”吉利钱每张面值为一美元,编号以8888开头,在许多中国人眼中,这是好运兴旺的象征。

    The product features a one-dollar note with a serial number beginning with " 8888 ," which is seen by many Chinese as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity .

  29. 中秋节有着各种各样的的传说,比如玉兔捣药、吴刚伐桂以及其他广为流传的故事。

    The legends of the Mid-Autumn Festival are rich , the Jade Rabbit pounding herbal medicine , Wu Gang Cuts the Ostmasths Tree , and other mythical stories are widely spread .

  30. 在中国的神话传说中,月亮上住着仙女嫦娥,木雕匠吴刚和嫦娥的宠物玉兔。

    In Chinese fairy tales , there live on the moon the fairy Chang E , a wood cutter named Wu Gang and a jade rabbit which is Chang E 's pet .