
  1. 最后以保护苏州玉器工艺这一非物质文化遗产为目的,提出了合理化的建议。

    Finally in order protect the suzhou jade carving skill as non-material cultural heritage , I come up with some considerate proposals .

  2. 而苏州玉器工艺在这漫长的历程中最早可以追溯至六千多年前新石器时代的马家浜文化晚期。

    But in this long histroy the earliest suzhou jade can be traced back to 6,000 years ago in the neolithic syncretization advanced culture .

  3. 这件玉器的工艺令人叹绝。

    This jade article is really exquisitely made .

  4. 战国时期玉器制作工艺的若干探讨

    Discussion on Jade-carving Techniques during the Warring States Period

  5. 线性工具开料之初步实验&玉器雕琢工艺显微探索之一

    The Preliminary Experiment of the Cutting & The Elaborate Exploration on the Carving Technique of the Jade Wares

  6. 这两件半成品玉残件保留了加工制作的痕迹,为研究古蜀玉器制作工艺提供了重要的实物材料。

    The fragments left many marks of being manufactured in the body , which provides substantial materials of great significance for the study of manufacturing technique of ancient Shu Jade ware .

  7. 也谈良渚文化玉器的雕琢工艺及发白现象

    The Sculpting Technique and White Demitint on Jade Ware of Liangzhu Culture

  8. 古玉器的仿制工艺历来是玉器加工业者难以适从的问题,探讨其中的奥妙,对传承和推动中国古玉器的发展和繁荣具有重要意义。

    It has long been a puzzle for jade carvers in antique jade article imitating , a discussion of which is of great importance to succeed and promote the development and prosperity of Chinese antique jade carving .