
jiān juǎn
  • a fried food
  1. 还你提到的奶油甜煎卷。

    And the cannoli dessert that you mention there .

  2. 在T5和T7,洛杉矶非常出名的洛特里亚烤肉店(LoteriaGrill)供应煎玉米卷、辣椒肉馅玉米卷饼和面卷饼。

    In Terminals 5 and 7 , Loteria Grill , which is also popular around town , serves tacos , enchiladas and burritos .

  3. 当地著名大厨斯特凡·派尔斯(StephanPyles)开设的SkyCanyon餐馆供应得克萨斯州美食,比如Freeto-Chile派、烤胸肉三明治或煎玉米卷,也供应一些国际美食,比如酸橘汁腌鱼条。

    Sky Canyon from the celebrated local chef Stephan Pyles does Texas cuisine including Freeto-Chile Pie , barbecued brisket in sandwiches or tacos , and some international options including a ceviche bar .

  4. 沃思堡的Cousin’sBar-B-Q餐馆在B和D航站楼开有分店。UrbanTaco供应多种墨西哥食物,比如煎玉米卷、玉米粉圆饼和生菜卷,还有米饭和沙拉。

    Cousin 's Bar-B-Q from Fort Worth is in B and D. From the many Mexican selections , Urban Taco offers a variety of tacos on corn or flour tortillas or a lettuce wrap , plus rice bowls and salads .

  5. 煎玉米卷很美味,但吃起来容易把手弄脏。

    Tacos are delicious , but messy .

  6. 她参加我所有的运动比赛,给我一大堆的礼物,支持我的所有决定,也作了数不尽的墨西哥煎玉米卷给我吃。

    She went to all my sports games , gave me a ton of gifts , supported all my decisions , and has made me plenty of good tacos .

  7. 也许明晚我们可以吃点更健康的,来点意式煎小牛肉火腿卷。

    Probably will want something healthier tomorrow night though , I 'm thinking about chicken ...

  8. 意式煎小牛肉火腿卷:小牛肉的边缘卷成卷并填有鼠尾草,调过味的火腿和奶酪,煎过后随酒酱一同上。

    Scallops of veal , rolled and stuffed with sage , spiced ham , and cheese , saut é ed and served with a wine sauce .

  9. 她注意到电影中的一个场景,餐厅女招待拒绝给杰克•尼克尔森(JackNicholson)饰演的角色端上煎蛋卷配咖啡和全麦面包片,因为店里供应的是煎蛋卷配农家煎土豆和面包卷。

    She noted the scene in which a diner waitress refuses to bring Jack Nicholson 's character an omelette with coffee and wheat toast because it serves omelettes with cottage fries and rolls .