
qī fēn
  • urushiol;laccol
漆酚[qī fēn]
  1. 饱和漆酚冠醚PVC膜铅(Ⅱ)离子选择电极的研究

    Lead (ⅱ) ionselective PVC membrane electrode based on saturated urushiol crown ether

  2. Cu(Ⅱ)-胺配合物催化漆酚氧化聚合成膜性能研究

    Study on the Coating Film of Oxidative Polymerization of Urushiol with Copper ( ⅱ ) – Amine Complexes as Catalyst

  3. 饱和漆酚冠醚PVC膜钾离子选择电极的研制

    STUDY OF SATURATED URUSHIOL crown ether type PVC membrane potassium electrode

  4. 漆酚钼高聚物的研究Ⅱ·漆酚钼螯合物分子中Mo的作用

    STUDY ON URUSHIOL-MOLYBDENUM POLYMER ⅱ . The action of the Mo in urushiol-molybdenum chelate molecule

  5. 研究了在Fe~(3+)和漆酚的共同催化下,H2O2容易将苯氧化成苯酚的情况。

    Hydroxylation of benzene with H2O2 was carried out in the presence of urushiol and Fe3 + in a benzene-water biphase system .

  6. 本文研究了Fe~(3+)和漆酚催化H2O2氧化单取代苯的产物。

    The products of monosubstituted benzene , catalytically oxidized by H_2O_2 in the presence of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) and urushiol were studied .

  7. IR、MS、GPC测定结果表明该涂料是含有以钛为中心原子的漆酚钛螯合高聚物。

    The determinations of IR . MS and GPC showed that the new type coating is urushiol-titanium chelate polymer with Ti-atom centre in molecular structure .

  8. 用红外光谱法研究了Cu(Ⅱ)-胺配合物催化生漆漆酚的氧化聚合过程,考察了生漆漆酚成膜性能、涂膜的热稳定性和耐化学介质性能。

    The oxidative polymerization process of urushiol with copper ( ⅱ ) – amine complexes as catalyst were studied by IR , and the properties of coating film were determined .

  9. Fe~(3+)和漆酚树脂催化H2O2氧化苯时。

    Oxidation of benzene with H2O2 using Fe3 + and urushiol resin as catalyst is studied and the yield of phenol is 28 % , selectivity is 91 % .

  10. FeCl3-漆酚树脂催化合成酯、缩醛和缩酮的研究

    Fecl_3 urushiol resin catalyzed synthesis of ester , acetal and ketals

  11. FeCl3-漆酚树脂催化合成香料乙酸苄酯

    Catalytic synthesis of benzyl acetate as perfume by fecl_3 - urushiol resin

  12. 2D-NMR研究中国生漆漆酚结构

    2D NMR Studies on the Structure of Urushiol of Chinese Lacquer

  13. 采用UV-Vis、IR、DTA-TG、磁化率测定等分析手段和有关的化学方法,研究漆酚与硫酸亚铁的反应特性。

    In this paper , coordination reaction of urushiol with ferrous sulfate was studied with analytical methods of UV-Vis spectra , IR spectra , DTA and magnetic susceptibility .

  14. 而漆酚、TiO2和稀土金属各具特殊性能,用化学方法将它们联系起来加以研究,是一个很有意义的课题。

    Urushiol , TiO_2 and rare earth elements have their own special functions , use the chemistry method to link them to take into the research , is a very meaningful topic .

  15. 用GPC、GC-MS-DS法对中国漆树液中漆酚与虫漆酚精油化学成分进行了研究。

    The chemical compositions of the essential oil of laccol and urushiol from the sap of Chinese lacquer tree are studied by GPC and GC-MS-DS techniques .

  16. 当纳米TiO2的含量为4%~5%时,与未加入纳米TiO2的漆酚缩醛环氧树脂相比,耐碱能力提高了56.7%,最高耐受温度提高了50℃。

    Compared with the paint without nanoparticles , adding 4 % or 5 % TiO_2 results in 56.7 % increase of the alkali-resistant ability and 50 ℃ increase of the highest temperature of heat-resistant respectively of nanometer composite paint .

  17. 本文研究将漆酚与氢氧化钠反应生成漆酚钠后,再与硫酸锰反应合成漆酚锰聚合物(PUM)的方法和工艺条件;

    Urushiol manganese polymer ( PUM ) has been synthesized from manganous Sulfate and urushiol-sodium prepared by the reaction of urushiol with sodium hydrate .

  18. 用溶液插层聚合方法制备漆酚钛聚合物/蒙脱土纳米复合材料(PUTi/OMMT),并用XRD、TEM和TG等对其结构、性能进行测试与表征。

    Urushiol-titanium polymer ( PUTi ) / organomontmorillonite ( OMMT ) hybrid nanocomposites were prepared via a solution-intercalation process . The structure and properties of PUTi / OMMT were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) and thermogravimetry ( TG ) .

  19. PrCl3与漆酚经热聚合制成漆酚镨聚合物(PUPr)。

    Urushiol praseodymium polymer ( PUPr ) was prepared by hot polymerization from PrCl_3 and urushiol .

  20. 本文制备了漆酚缩甲醛聚合物(UF)与醇酸树脂(AR)组成的同步互穿网络共混物,并对共混物涂膜的物理机械性能,抗溶剂性能和动态力学性能进行了研究。

    The interpenetrating polymer network ( IPN ) of urushiol formaldehyde condensation polymer ( UF ) and alkyd resin ( AR ) has been prepared . Its physico - mechanical properties , solvent resistance , resistance to ultraviolet ray and dynamic mechanical properties have been also studied .

  21. 以漆酚树脂为新型载体,研制了对亚硝酸根(NO-2)有选择性响应的传感器。

    Urushiol resins , made from lacquer , was used as the carrier in a new chemical sensor for nitrite ( NO - 2 ) .

  22. 本文报道漆酚钼螯合高聚物(PUM)催化正丁醇和冰乙酸直接酯化的研究结果,并考察了不同钼含量的PUM、PUM用量、醇酸比等对醋酸丁酯产率的影响。

    It was reported about catalysis of urushiol-molybdenum chelate polymer ( PUM ) on the esterification of n-butyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid and the effect of reactive condition on field .

  23. 漆酚-醛类缩聚物与三氯化镨的配合反应研究

    Study on Coordination Reaction of Urushiol-aldehyde Condensated Polymers with Praseodymium Chloride

  24. 气相和液相色谱法在漆酚分析上的应用

    The Application of Gas and Liquid Chromatography in Analysis of Urushiol

  25. 中国生漆粗漆酚中未知组分的提取及性质研究

    Study on Some Unknown Constituents in Crude Urushiol from Chinese lacquer

  26. 漆酚高分子树脂在电化学测定铜中的应用

    Application of urushiol resin in electrochemical determination of copper in water

  27. 漆酚缩甲醛钇聚合物的热性能及其表征

    Thermal Property and Characterization of Urushiol - Formaldehyde - Y Polymer

  28. 漆酚树脂固载化三氯化铁催化合成醋酸异戊酯

    Synthesis of Isoamyl Acetate Catalyzed by Urushiol Resin Immobilized Ferric Trichloride Catalyst

  29. 漆酚硼衍生物的研究(Ⅳ)&硼酸漆酚酯的聚合反应

    STUDY ON URUSHIOL - BORON DERIVATIVE (ⅳ)── Polymerization Reaction of Urushiol Borate

  30. 漆酚铁锡聚合物催化剂的合成及应用

    Synthesis and Usage of the Urushiol - iron - tin Polymer Catalyst