
  • 网络Iconic brand
  1. 随后,一些标志性品牌如耐克、美泰玩具、GAP等作出回应,形成了企业的社会责任运作并与承包商一起建立一套工厂审核和检查制度。

    Iconic brand names , like Nike , Mattel and Gap , responded by forming corporate social responsibility operations and working with contractors to create a system of factory audits and inspections .

  2. 但过去两年里的交易开始把目标对准拥有关键技术和标志性品牌的前沿企业。荣鼎集团(RhodiumGroup)和墨卡托中心共同进行的一项调查显示,去年这类交易达到了创纪录的200亿欧元。

    But deals over the past two years - which last year hit a record 20 billion euros , or $ 22.4 billion , according to a survey by Rhodium Group and the Mercator Institute - have begun targeting leading-edge companies with crucial technologies and iconic brand names .

  3. 例如,热衷英国乡村生活的粉丝可以加入英式烤箱标志性品牌AGA的微信群,观看使用AGA烹饪的视频,交换有关产品的信息,甚至一时冲动买下一台烤箱——借助在聊天室嵌入商铺的软件。

    Fans of English country living , for example , can join a WeChat group devoted to Aga cookers , the iconic English oven brand , watch videos about cooking on an Aga , swap messages about it , and , thanks to the software which embeds the store in the chatroom , even buy one on impulse .

  4. 他表示,华为希望自己成为一个“标志性品牌”。

    Huawei hopes to become an " iconic brand " , says the German .

  5. “宝石机械”以唯一性和排它性被中国品牌研究院确定为“中国行业标志性品牌”;

    BOMCO , with its uniqueness and exclusiveness , is confirmed as Chinese Industry Symbolic Brand by China Brand Research Institute ;

  6. 我国每个行业的品牌成千上万,但哪一个品牌才能成为行业标志性品牌?

    There are tens of thousands of brand names in each industry in our country , and then which one can become the leading brand ?

  7. 这家有82年历史的公司将会卖掉它的标志性品牌,关闭全国33家面包店,500多家面包直销店,以及配送中心。

    The 82-year-old company will sell its iconic brands and close 33 bakeries and more than 500 bakery outlet stores around the country along with the distribution centers .

  8. 现已发展成为以光通信技术研发基地、光电器件生产基地、光纤光缆生产基地、激光技术研发等重点领域为核心的现代产业化基地,已成为我国在光电子产业领域参与国际竞争的标志性品牌。

    Wuhan optoelectronic industries have become the R D base of the optical communication technology , production base of optical devices , production base of the optical fiber and cable , modernized industrialization base with the core of the R D and development of the laser technology and other areas .

  9. 英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。具有MG经典徽章的轿车现在开始从中国的装配线上下线了。CNN记者约翰·沃斯试驾了这款MG轿车。MG汽车在中国卷土重来CNN主播:英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。

    CNN ANCHOR : The iconic British brand MG has been reborn in the Far East .

  10. CNN主播:英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。

    MG 'S COMEBACK in china CNN ANCHOR : The iconic British brand MG has been reborn in the Far East .

  11. Jeep是一个标志性的品牌,深具众多汽车厂商渴望打造的品牌资产。

    It has an iconic brand & brimming with the so-called brand equity automakers are so keen to create .

  12. 先说一下案例背景。2010年8月,摩托车狂热爱好者、职业创业者(serialentrepreneur)克劳迪奥•卡斯蒂廖尼(ClaudioCastiglioni),从哈雷戴维森(Harley-Davidson)手中回购了意大利标志性摩托车品牌奥古斯塔(MVAgusta)。

    The story . In August 2010 Claudio Castiglioni , a motorcycle aficionado and serial entrepreneur , bought back the iconic Italian motorcycle brand MV Agusta from Harley-Davidson .

  13. 这家美国汽车制造商正在调整这个标志性美国汽车品牌的车型设计,使其更合乎中国买家以及通用汽车中国合资伙伴的口味,尽管凯迪拉克在中国的销售并不强劲。

    The U.S. auto maker is tweaking the iconic American brand to make it more palatable to Chinese buyers and GM 's Chinese partner , even though Cadillac hasn 't sold strongly here .

  14. 品牌是一种用以区别不同商品或组织特色的一种标志性符号,品牌体现着一个企业的文化及价值观念,是企业重要的无形资产。

    A brand is a symbol which can be used to distinguish one commodity or one organization from another , and is also important invisible assets which can indicate culture and values of an enterprise .