
  • 网络COPLAND;Aaron Copland;Copeland
  1. 春季夏初,冬雪融化,这正是阿隆.柯普兰的音乐和威廉.惠特曼的诗歌中所赞美的时节。

    THE melting snows of spring and early summer are justly celebrated by Aaron Copland and Walt Whitman .

  2. 不过正如迈克尔•柯普兰指出的那样,在云计算领域,惠普将主要关注食物链的下端,而把高端留给那些已经在该领域站稳脚跟的云计算公司,比如甲骨文(Oracle)和IBM。

    And like IBM , HP is moving into cloud computing , although as Michael Copeland pointed out , HP will focus further down the food chain , leaving the high-end to companies with more established cloud offerings like Oracle ( orcl ) and , ahem , IBM .

  3. 柯普兰说的更不留情面,他认为终止一个有效的项目就是在浪费纳税人的钱。

    Koplan was more blunt , calling it a waste of taxpayer money to develop a program that works and then dismantle it .