
  • 网络Kirkwall
  1. 我们重新启动了刚从船上下来的于尔根,向集市城镇、奥克尼群岛首府柯克沃尔的“高原骑士”酒厂(HighlandPark)进发。

    Rebooting Jurgen after his stay in the ship 's hold , we drove to Highland Park distillery in the market town of Kirkwall , the Orcadian capital .

  2. 离开柯克沃尔,我们驶过呼啸的山间和泥泞的田野,来到奥弗尔以及“伯爵酒廊”(Earl'sBu)考古遗址。

    After Kirkwall , we drove across windswept hills and muddy farmlands , before arriving at Orphir and the archaeological remains of Earl 's Bu .

  3. 本周三,从柯克沃尔到京都的蒸馏酒制造者们齐聚纽约参加第17届一年一度的威士忌节,这个行业展会通常用来发布年底新品。

    Distillers from Kirkwall to Kyoto descended on New York this Wednesday for the 17th annual WhiskeyFest , a trade show that often serves as a launching pad for end-of-the-year releases .