
  • 网络Open Interest;open position
  1. 我们开始看到,期糖未平仓合约数量正在恢复。

    We have started to see a recovery of open interest   .   .   .   in sugar .

  2. 伦敦金属交易所未平仓合约数量仍然远低于最近的峰值,显示出信心水平较低。

    The number of contracts outstanding on the LME , or open interest , remains well below recent peaks , suggesting low levels of confidence .

  3. 香港期权分布,不同行使价之“成交量”及“未平仓合约”分布。

    Hong Kong options distribution table , with volume and open interests distribution for different strike prices .

  4. 假如未能在指定的时间内提供所需数额,你的未平仓合约可能会被平仓。

    If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time , your position may be liquidated .

  5. 首先,政府必须说明,这些规定是适用于未平仓合约,还是仅适用于新合约。

    First , the government must make clear whether the rules will apply to outstanding contracts or only to new ones .

  6. 乔治格罗,财富管理高级副总裁,说因为记录未平仓合约为了专门的交易提供好的支持,黄金能在年底前冲击$1500。

    George Gero , senior vice president at RBC Wealth Management , says that gold could hit $ 1,500 by the end of the year as record open interest provides good support for technical trading .

  7. 股指期货合约最后交易日收市后,交易所以交割结算价为基准,划付持仓双方的盈亏,了结所有未平仓合约。

    After the last trading day of a stock index futures contract ended , the exchange shall , based on the final settlement price , transfer the profits and losses of both parties of the positions and terminate all the open contracts of positions .

  8. 市场交投仍然稀疏,未平仓期货合约亦见减少。

    Market turnover remained low , coinciding with a reduction in open interest in futures .