
  • 网络news slant
  1. 新闻倾向性的内涵是一个颇有争议的问题。

    The connotation of the tendentiousness of news is a widely controversial issue .

  2. 我国体育新闻倾向性研究

    Research on Tendentiousness of Sport News in China

  3. 笔者认为,新闻倾向性的内涵应该包括新闻事实的倾向性、新闻传播者和新闻媒介的倾向性以及受众的内在倾向性三个方面。

    In my opinion , The connotation of the tendentiousness of news consists of three aspects : namely the tendentiousness of the news facts , the tendentiousness of the media and the journalists , the tendentiousness of the audience .

  4. 基于语义的Web新闻内容倾向性分析框架

    Opinion Orientation Analysis Framework for Web News Based on the Semantic

  5. 新闻的倾向性指通过新闻事实所发掘出来的政治性、思想性和价值取向,它必须符合客观事实的内涵,具有客观性。

    News tendentiousness refers to the politics , ideology and values developed by facts and should be objectively correspond with the intentions of actual facts .

  6. 新闻的倾向性客观存在于新闻报道之中,主要体现为政治和意识形态、信息、社会潮流和时代、新闻价值要素以及模式化等五个层面的倾向性。

    The tendentiousness of News exists objectively , mainly reflected in political and ideological , information , social trends and the times , elements of news value and the mode of news .

  7. 透视新闻报道中的倾向性&从及物性和情态的视角分析ABC新闻TaiwanRejectsChina'sOfferofPandas

    Biases Existing in the News Report : Analysis of the ABC News " Taiwan Rejects China 's Offer of Pandas " with Transitivity and Modality

  8. 新闻的客观性和倾向性是有关新闻理念的基本理论问题,同时也是涉及报道原则和报道方式的新闻业务问题。

    The objectivity and tendentiousness of news is the basic theoretical problem of the news idea and also the news service problem about the reporting principle and reporting means .

  9. 因此新闻传播能够以神话的自然化运作消融新闻的客观性和倾向性的矛盾就成为一种常态。

    They deliver their intention meaning in the way of build myth image , so it is a normal state that the contradiction of the mews ' objectivity and tendentiousness can be ablated according to the myth communication manner .

  10. 真实是新闻的生命,新闻工作者在报道中必须要客观地反映事实,但是在实际的新闻传播中还要兼顾新闻的倾向性问题。

    Reality is the root of news , journalists must objectively reflect the fact , but in real news dissemination , news tendentious must be given more attention .