
  1. 对于“新闻价值要素”和“新闻的要(元)素”之间是否存在“交叉使用”的语用关系,管翼贤与恽逸群也是持论不同。

    While Guan Yi-xian was different from Yun Yi-qun on the subject of whether there is a interdiciplinary pragmatic relationship between FAE factors of news value and those of news .

  2. 从新闻价值要素入手,分析体育新闻中价值要素的具体体现;在传播技术变迁的过程中思考各种媒体应作出的价值选择。

    With the key elements of news value , it analyzed the concrete embodiment of value element in the sports news and considered the value selection that various kinds of medias should make during the process of new propagating .

  3. 新闻价值构成要素属性的多样性、结构的多层性,决定了新闻价值是多层次的价值,是由多项价值组成的统一价值系统。

    Diversity and ranks of news value composition decides that news value has multi levels and is a unified value system composed of multi values .

  4. 本文首先探讨负面新闻信息的基本要义,包括它的定义及分类、新闻价值要素及传播功能等。

    First of all , this paper try to explore some essential points of negative news report , including its definition , connotation , type , features , and function in mass communication , etc.

  5. 新闻的倾向性客观存在于新闻报道之中,主要体现为政治和意识形态、信息、社会潮流和时代、新闻价值要素以及模式化等五个层面的倾向性。

    The tendentiousness of News exists objectively , mainly reflected in political and ideological , information , social trends and the times , elements of news value and the mode of news .