
  • 网络Stiller;Ben Stiller;Stille
  1. 如果你想要来点简约而又不失优雅的造型,你不如以拉塞尔?克罗和本?斯蒂勒为范本。

    If you want something a little simpler but still classy , you could do worse than following the examples of Russel Crowe and Ben stiller .

  2. 影片中有些时候,斯蒂勒不动声色地阐述着他的前提,这样恰好对这些角色起到了欲扬先抑的作用:在影片后半段,这些角色都变得极富喜剧效果。

    There are some dry patches while Mr Stiller elaborates his premise , but he is really setting up his characters , who become very funny in the second half .

  3. 最重要的是,《TheHardCase》吸引了斯汀的妻子朱蒂•斯蒂勒的注意,随后她投资了盖•里奇的第一部电影《两杆大烟枪》。

    Most important , The Hard Case attracted the attention of Sting 's wife , Trudie Styler , who invested into his first feature film , Lock , Stock and Two Smoking Barrels .

  4. 而本•斯蒂勒主演的喜剧电影《Zoolander》中亦有一场名为Derelicte的类似的秀。

    which featured a similar show called Derelicte .

  5. 本。斯蒂勒是个言语幽默的家伙,可这里扮演的鲁本,因为时常肠胃的不舒服,没有表演出优雅行为的一面,台词也没有什么出彩的地方。

    Ben Stiller is a funny guy , but here Reuben , with his uncooperative stomach and lack of grace , isn 't a character so much as a punch line .

  6. 拉里(斯蒂勒饰)是各种夜间行动的指挥,片中他必须去拜访大英博物馆里的一位法老(本·金斯利[BenKingsley]饰!),了解为什么罗斯福和他的朋友们在美国自然历史博物馆举办的晚宴秀上发了疯。

    Now director of nighttime operations , Larry ( Mr. Stiller , near left ) must visit a pharaoh ( Ben Kingsley ! ) in the British Museum to learn why Roosevelt and friends went bonkers during a dinner show at the American Museum of Natural History .