
guà shī
  • report the loss of;report the loss of (identity papers,cheques,etc.);report the loss of some bill or document
挂失 [guà shī]
  • [report the loss of (identity papers,cheques,etc.);report the loss of some bill or document] 到发证机关登记遗失票证的号码公开声明作废

  • 办好了挂失手续

挂失[guà shī]
  1. 海伦:我要挂失我的信用卡。

    Helen : I want to report the loss of my credit card .

  2. 我要办理信用卡挂失并取消那张卡。

    I 'd like to report the loss of my credit card and cancel it .

  3. 他信用卡丢了,赶紧去银行挂失。

    He lost his credit card , and hurried to the bank to report it .

  4. 在此基础上,结合Spring架构,阐述该系统的总体设计以及图书检索、图书借阅管理、图书管理、读者续借图书、预约和挂失等核心模块详细设计过程。

    Based on this , it is elaborated about this system overall design as well as the books retrieval , the books borrowing management , the books management , the reader renewal books , making an appointment and reporting a loss and so on nucleus module detailed design processes .

  5. 我打电话到信用卡中心要求挂失。

    I called the Credit Card center to register the lose .

  6. 我想你应该先去挂失一下你的一卡通。

    Lily : I think you should report your loss of One-Card .

  7. 更棒的是,我不会挂失。

    And what 's more , I 'm not gonna cancel it .

  8. 信用卡遗失或被窃后可以挂失。

    Credit cards can be canceled if they are lost or stolen .

  9. 此卡不记名、不挂失、遗失不补。

    No reporting of loss is processed as there is no purchasing record .

  10. 职员:请办理磁卡挂失手续费。

    Clerk : Report loss of the magcard please .

  11. 你向银行挂失了吗?

    Did you repor the loss to the bank ?

  12. 如果您丢失了取款卡,请及时向发卡银行挂失;

    If you lost your card , please contact your bank and report loss .

  13. 图书借阅证语音挂失的设计与实现

    Design & Realization of Reporting the Loss of Library Card Based on Speech Recognition

  14. 已在领事馆登记挂失。

    The loss was registered at the consulate .

  15. 请自己向信用卡公司挂失。

    Please report this loss to your credit company ( bank ) by yourself .

  16. 这么说来,我不应该期望你会去向警方备案挂失。

    So I shouldn 't expect to uncover a police report along the way .

  17. 七天后请您持挂失申请来补办领新存折(存单),也可以提取现金。

    Please bring this application form to collect a new bankbook or cash in7 days .

  18. 如不慎丢失饭卡,请立即到办卡处挂失。

    Report this to this office in case of the loss of the meal card .

  19. 支票挂失查询语音服务系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of voice service system for reporting the loss and inquiring of checks

  20. 尽量使用银行卡,如果银行卡遗失,可以立刻向银行挂失。

    Keep your money in your bank , if you card is stolen , report it immediately .

  21. 借阅证遗失后,请及时到馆里办理挂失。

    If you lose your application card , you should hurry to the library to report it .

  22. 质押存单的挂失申请应采用书面形式。

    Application for reporting the loss of the hypothecated deposit certificate shall be made in written form .

  23. 职员:请支付15元,包含换卡工本费5元,挂失手续费10元。

    Clerk : Please pay 15 yuan , includes 5 yuan cost and 10 yuan handling charge .

  24. 银行违规办理挂失致存款遭冒领案评析

    Comments and analysis on falsely claimed deposits caused by breached handling of loss report on behalf of banks

  25. 该信用卡已挂失。交易没有批准(错误5)。

    The credit card has been reported as lost or stolen . Transaction not authorized ( Error 5 ) .

  26. 实现注册、充值、计时/收费、挂失、注销和查询等多种功能。

    It can achieve lots of functions , such as enrolling , prepaying , timing and charging , lost-reporting , log-out and query .

  27. 万一发现资料被盗,应立即修改相关交易密码或进行银行卡挂失。

    In case discover a data by pilfer , should revise instantly relevant trade password or undertake the bank blocks report the loss of sth.

  28. 六真空管电报接收机原发证机构收到挂失报告后,经核实无不良后果的,予以重新补发。

    A six-valve set The original license issuing agency shall reissue a license upon verification of no harmful consequences after receiving the loss report .

  29. 挂失生效,原定期存单所载的金额及利息应继续作为出质资产。

    If the report of loss is approved , the amount indicated in the original time deposit certificate and the interests incurred shall continue as a pledge .

  30. 质押期间,未经贷款人同意,存款行不得受理存款人提出的挂失申请。

    During the period of pledge , without the consent of the loaner , the deposit bank may not accept the report of loss filed by the depositor .