
jiàn shēn
  • Sword body;brand
剑身[jiàn shēn]
  1. 在以剑身击石之后,他宣布自己为“城之主宰”。

    On striking his sword on the stone , he declared himself Lord of the City

  2. 半兽人接近,剑身就会发亮。

    The blade glows blue when Orcs are close .

  3. 花剑是这三种中最轻的一种,剑身为具有柔性的矩形。

    The foil is the lightest of the three with a flexible rectangular blade .

  4. 佩剑的剑身具有柔性,一侧刃可用于劈砍。

    The saber has a flexible blade with a cutting edge on one side .

  5. 剑身:从护手盘到剑端的击打部分。刀剑相击发出叮当声。

    Blade : The hitting part of a sword from the guard to the point .

  6. 宝剑飞过河面,蓝钢打造的剑身在阳光下闪闪发光,

    The blue steel flashed in the sun as the sword spun out over the river .

  7. 觉的是问题剑,七星,龙,云,美女还是什么,都在剑身上,这是什么?

    Seven stars , dragon , cloud and beauty are all on the body , what 's it ?

  8. 花剑:突刺剑,有柔韧的四菱形剑身,带有比重剑小的护手盘。

    Foil : A thrusting sword with a flexible rectangular blade and a smaller guard than the epee .

  9. 相传它是第一把格里斯剑,剑身形状奇特,呈不对称状。

    It was a kris , an asymmetrical dagger with a specific blade pattern . Legend says that it was also the first kris ever created .

  10. 这个“无刃部”能够减少持握的距离,而带有“无刃部”的双手剑在主剑身突出的地方通常会制有一个较小的护手。

    The ricasso could be gripped in close quarters combat . These kinds of Zweihaenders usually had a smaller , secondary guard that protruded from the main blade .

  11. 1997年,在浙江省绍兴市出土了一件春秋时期的青铜剑,剑身铸有铭文40字,是目前知出土青铜剑中铭文字数量多的一件。

    A bronze sword of the Spring and Autumn Period unearthed in Shaoxing , Zhejiang in1997carries an inscription of40characters , the longest among the bronze sword inscriptions ever reported .

  12. 谭恩捡起一名死去守卫的长剑,这把剑正好落在纽明尼的神像附近。当剑身上涌现神圣之光时,坦恩和杰若感到豪气干云。

    Tanin picked up the sword of a fallen defender , one that had landed near Numiennen 's statue , when it began to glow with a holy light .

  13. 已经较好掌握了高温液体还原法的生铁冶铸技术,能锻打出用于剑身的高碳钢。

    Having mastered the casting technique of pig iron , in which high temperature water was used to deoxidize iron , handicraftsmen could forge high-carbonic steel applied to swords .

  14. 双手剑主要是用于对抗长距离战争中的长矛和战戟的,一些双手剑的剑身上有一段较钝的地方,它略高于主防护位置,被叫做“无刃部”(或“卡榫”)。

    Primarily used against pikes and halberds at longer ranges , some also had an unsharpened part of the blade - called a ricasso - just above the primary guard .

  15. 剑鞘是用柔软的灰皮革做成,琼恩缓缓抽出剑,好让她仔细瞧瞧剑身泛着的深蓝色金属光泽。

    The scabbard was soft grey leather , supple as sin . Jon drew out the blade slowly , so she could see the deep blue sheen of the steel .

  16. 这是把城里打造的好剑,剑柄镶着珠宝,熠熠发亮,月光在明晃晃的钢剑身上反射出璀璨光芒,无疑是新打造的。

    Jewels glittered in its hilt , and the moonlight ran down the shining steel . It was a splendid weapon , castle-forged , and new-made from the look of it .

  17. 那是把经过巧妙微缩,恰好适合十二岁男孩需要的长剑,剑身是用精钢打造,泛着蓝光,两面开刃,剑柄裹着皮革,尾端则是一个黄金做的狮头。

    a longsword adroitly shrunken to suit a boy of twelve , gleaming blue steel , castle-forged and double-edged , with a leather grip and a lion 's-head pommel in gold .