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huì yǎn
  • insight;mental perception;mental discernment;a mind which perceives both past and future;acumen
慧眼 [huì yǎn]
  • (1) [a mind which perceives both past and future]∶佛教用语。为五眼之一。指上乘的智慧之眼,能够看到过去和未来

  • (2) [insight;acumen;mental perception;mental discernment]∶今泛指锐敏的眼力

慧眼[huì yǎn]
  1. 他在择友方面颇具慧眼。

    He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends .

  2. 您的描述令人惊叹,德拉蒙德太太,您真是独具慧眼。

    That 's a marvellous description , Mrs Drummond . You 're unusually observant

  3. 他很有眼力,慧眼识英才。

    He had the insight to recognize their talents

  4. 她独具慧眼,能够看到社会上荒唐的事情,对于社会变革的受害者寄以同情

    She has a sharp eye for social absurdities , and compassion for the victims of social change .

  5. 米特•罗姆尼喜欢谈论他在贝恩资本(BainCapital)做风险投资家时的那段时光,他的独具慧眼帮助史泰博(Staples)、TheSportsAuthority等新兴企业成长为今天的大公司。

    Mitt Romney likes to talk about his time as a venture capitalist with Bain Capital , helping to launch corporate giants like staples and the sports authority .

  6. 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长]:“美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人,我认为德威特·克林顿深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大。”克林顿的愿景是让纽约州富起来。

    America was blessed with many inspirational leaders , and I think Dewitt Clinton had a real sense of how important new York could be for America . Clinton 's vision : to make New York rich .

  7. PalgraveMacmillan;事实证明,LarryElliott和DanAtkinson的记者团队在描绘被债务吹高的英国繁荣方面比他们的大多数同僚更具慧眼。

    The journalistic team of Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson proved to be more perceptive than most of their peers in skewering Britain 's debt-fuelled boom .

  8. 街头时尚热潮催生了前所未有的“大V”——他们并非传统意义上的名人,但对高端时装慧眼独具,Instagram粉丝数超过5万。

    Street-style fever has given birth to the strange notion of the " influencer " - someone who 's not traditionally famous , but can fit into high fashion and has upwards of 50000 Instagram followers .

  9. 来自西西里的马可•德•文岑佐(MarcodeVincenzo)在这一代年轻设计师中脱颖而出,他被芬迪家族(Fendifamily)慧眼识中,今年二月,法国时尚巨擘路易维登(LVMH)也参股了他的公司。

    Sicilian Marco de Vincenzo , who was spotted by the Fendi family and in whom French powerhouse LVMH bought a stake in February this year is the breakout star of a new generation .

  10. 慧眼识人,知人善任,经营有道,生意兴隆。

    Be affirmative with unerring intuition for his booming business tactics .

  11. 而诗人,只要他那慧眼热情奔放地一转。

    The poet 's eye , in a fine frenzy rolling .

  12. 他真是慧眼识真才。

    He has the good sense to recognize a good man .

  13. 正是他们能看准赢利机会的慧眼使他们获得了成功。

    It was their eye for profit that made them successful .

  14. 本款产品正是为独具慧眼、追求健康人生的您精心设计的。

    This Chair is designed to give you a healthier life .

  15. 能够遇见一个慧眼识珠的人实在是太难了。

    It is so rare to meet an individual of true wit .

  16. 您有才智,勇气和一双慧眼

    You have intelligence , guts , a good eye .

  17. 慧眼观诗照如镜&汪辟疆与近代诗歌研究

    Wang Bijiang and the Study of Modern Chinese Poetry

  18. 七大王国中最好的领导者具有发掘人才的慧眼。

    The best leaders in the Seven Kingdoms have an eye for talent .

  19. 哈德良对纪念物的建筑独具慧眼。

    He had a fine eye for monumental architecture .

  20. 他独具慧眼,想要事物简约而不简单。

    He 's particular and he wants things simple .

  21. 到了我这把年纪,我可以说是已经开了慧眼了。

    Because in my older years , I 've become somewhat of a clairvoyant .

  22. 他的理想是成为一个慧眼识英才的读人大师和职业顾问。

    His dream is to be a master of people-reading and a career consultant .

  23. 学问是心灵的慧眼。

    Learning is the eye of the mind .

  24. 而这就是我的工作,我要让她张开慧眼。

    My job is to open her eyes .

  25. 它们都是慧眼。

    and these are the eyes of wisdom .

  26. 直到不久前,朱诺没有太多美食可以提供给独具慧眼的食客。

    Until recently , Juneau didn 't have much to offer the discerning diner .

  27. 她说我有双慧眼。

    She says I have old eyes .

  28. 天空中飞行的慧眼

    A Shape Eye Flying in the Sky

  29. 制造浴室精致化为目标,产品开发独具慧眼。

    Manufacture of refined into goals bathroom , product development , much the same kind .

  30. 当时只有极少数人独具慧眼,从她的作品中看出独树一帜的天分。

    Very few people at the time recognized the unique genius expressed in her writings .