
  1. 中经慧可、弘忍等人的不断改造,禅宗于慧能时正式形成。

    In the end , Zen came into being in Huineng stime .

  2. 慧能成为佛教南宗第六代传人,这故事流传相当久远。

    Huineng became a Buddhist sect sixth generation descendants , this story for a long .

  3. “荡荡心无著,”中国的慧能如此陈述。

    " Even and upright your mind abides nowhere ," states Hui Neng of China .

  4. 慧能既不会射箭,也不会设陷阱,所以猎人们让他看着网。

    Huineng wouldn 't shoot or trap , so the hunters told him to watch the nets .

  5. 大师清晨看到了这两首诗后,知道慧能真正领悟了佛家做人的真谛。

    Master morning saw the two poems , know Huineng truly understand the true meaning of life buddhism .

  6. 《六月雪》的剧本也是通过神秀与慧能的这场辩论,进一步说清了作者对禅的理解。

    The drama Snow in June expressed the writer 's understanding to Zen through the debate of Shenxiu and Huineng .

  7. 神会禅师,慧能大师的十大弟子之一,荷泽宗的创宗始祖。

    Zen master Shen Hui , one of the top ten disciples of Hui Neng , is primogenitor of Heze school .

  8. 一直想慧能做的诗与神秀究竟有何不同,为什么真正悟出了佛家做人的真理。

    Have to do with God Huineng poems show what is the difference between a true , why to realize a Buddhist life truth .

  9. 而这时,寺院里一个叫慧能的火头僧看到了这首诗,他摇摇头,说这个人还没有领悟到做人的真谛呀。

    And then , the temple is called a monk Huineng 's head saw this poem , he shook his head , saying that people have not realized the true meaning of life .

  10. 诺贝尔文学奖获得者高行健写了一个剧本《六月雪》,用现代的方式重现了五祖弘忍与六祖慧能之间的禅门公案。

    Gao Xingjian , the winner of Nobel Literature Prize had written a drama named Snow in June , in which he reproduced the Zen case between Fifth Zen Patriarch Hongren and Sixth Zen Patriarch Huineng .

  11. 一方面,慧能门下分化出来的禅门五家已发生了变化,盛行于各地的主要是云门宗和临济宗。

    That one aspect , to be able to become divided out beneath the door five intelligent family Buddhists already change happened , are in vogue in everywhere main part is cloud door Zong and is going to help Zong .

  12. 作为一种理论,在慧能时代仅限于岭南传播,不仅是由于慧能个人传法地域之限,更在于这种理论与盛唐物质的繁盛、文化的丰富等因素有所违背。

    As a theory , Hui-Neng limited to the dissemination of the lingnan , not only is because of Hui-Neng personal geographical limitations , but also the theory and the prosperous Tang Dynasty material , and cultural factors such as the rich have violated .

  13. 六祖慧能一直在中国佛教禅宗一派中有着不可替代的地位,主要的原因除了慧能大师本身的禅学造诣,还有就是宗教史上很著名的六祖革命。

    The Sixth Patriarch Hui-Neng has been in the Chinese Buddhist Zen school has an irreplaceable position , the main reason , in addition to the that Hui-Neng is the master of Zen , he leaded to the famous " Sixth Patriarch revolution " in the religious history of Buddhism .