
  • 网络Daman Hongren
  1. 中经慧可、弘忍等人的不断改造,禅宗于慧能时正式形成。

    In the end , Zen came into being in Huineng stime .

  2. 这也可以说是金刚藏菩萨显圣,也可以说是弘忍大师修行的威德把他们都慑服了。

    You could say that was a manifestation created by the Vajra Treasury Bodhisattvas or you could say it was the awesome virtue of Great Master Hongren that frightened them .

  3. 诺贝尔文学奖获得者高行健写了一个剧本《六月雪》,用现代的方式重现了五祖弘忍与六祖慧能之间的禅门公案。

    Gao Xingjian , the winner of Nobel Literature Prize had written a drama named Snow in June , in which he reproduced the Zen case between Fifth Zen Patriarch Hongren and Sixth Zen Patriarch Huineng .