
  1. 论文以成化、弘治年间的茶陵派为研究对象。

    This dissertation is mainly studying and analyzing the Chaling school .

  2. 第二章介绍正统至弘治时期的作家。

    The second part introduces the writers within the period & from theng tong to hong zhi .

  3. 明成化弘治时期经济犯罪探析

    A Tentative Study on Economic Crime in the Cheng Hua and Hong Zhi Period During the Ming Dynasty

  4. 其中固原镇设置于弘治十五年,位于今宁夏固原县城。

    Which is set in the town of Guyuan in Koji fifteen years , is located in this Guyuan county .

  5. 康熙十八年至康熙二十四年,毛奇龄参与《明史》修纂,他在史馆草拟弘治、正德朝纪、传及诸杂传二百余篇。

    Kangxi's18 years to kangxi's24 years of Qing Dynasty , Mao Qiling participated in the work of compiling The Ming History .

  6. 到了成化、弘治年间,吴地作家成为茶陵派的重要组成部分,他们的创作表现出明显的地域特色。

    During the reign of Chenghua and Hongzhi , writers came from Wu region were important part of Chaling School and their writings embodied distinct characteristics .

  7. 为了扩大出口业务,公司于2006年初注册成立了上海弘治进出口有限公司。

    For the sake of the extension export business , the factory come into existence Shanghai holly import export co. , ltd in 2006 beginning of year .

  8. 在明代弘治、正德时期的文学思想新变中,吴中作家表现尤其突出。

    In the new change of literary ideology during the reign of Hongzhi and Zhengde in Ming dynasty , the writers in lower Yangtze valley were active in particular .

  9. 认为:明成化弘治时期的经济犯罪已经涉及到了经济的各个领域,经济犯罪的类型繁多,且具有犯罪主体广泛化、犯罪方式多样化、犯罪客体复杂化的特点。

    The author believes that the economic crime in the Cheng Hua and Hong Zhi period during the Ming dynasty has born on each scope of economy with numerous types .

  10. 一方面,商人从极度压抑的环境中走出来,先在成化、弘治间取得了小规模的成功,继而带动了全国经商的热情。

    The one hand , the merchant to get rid of a highly stressful environment , and achieved the success of the small-scale , and then led the national business enthusiasm .