
yōu yáng
  • melodious;rising and falling
悠扬 [yōu yáng]
  • [melodious] 形容声音高低起伏、持续和谐

  • 悠扬的歌声

悠扬[yōu yáng]
  1. 你象一只悠扬的牧歌,美了雪山,美了草原。

    You look like a melodious madrigal , beautiful snowy mountain , beautiful prairie .

  2. 那悠扬的琴声将一辈子在我的耳际缭绕。

    Melodious sound that will never wind around in my ear .

  3. 琴韵悠扬。

    Sweet music was being played on the lute .

  4. 等他开始唱起那些悠扬婉转、忽高忽低的歌曲时,跟得上的人就剩下不多了。

    When he begun sang those melodious1 and rising and falling songs , few people could still join in the singing .

  5. 面对清风明月,他思绪万千,于是又弹起琴来,琴声悠扬,渐入佳境。

    The moon was bright and a cool breeze was blowing gently . With myriads9 of thoughts welling up in his mind , he began to play the musical instrument .

  6. 羊羔嬉闹奔跑,牧笛终日悠扬

    Lambs frisk and play , the shepherds pipe all day ,

  7. 当曲调升高的时候,她的嗓音也跟着改变,悠扬婉转。

    When the melody rose , her voice broke up sweetly .

  8. 组合音箱里的超级短号独奏悠扬动听。

    A Synthetic Music machine was warbling out a super-cornet solo .

  9. 我们也都听过苏格兰风笛悠扬的笛声。

    Andrea : And have heard the sound of bagpipes .

  10. 钟发出了悠扬悦耳的声音。

    The bell gave forth a peasant , lingering sound .

  11. 他微微沙哑的声音带着一种悠扬的口音。

    He spoke with a soft husky voice in a melodic accent .

  12. 杏声悠扬美妙的歌声为典礼揭开序幕。

    SingSong chorus 's wonderful singing opened the preface of the commencement .

  13. 青春如歌,悠扬而富有韵律,广阔而不失深邃。

    Youth is a song melodious and rhythmic , meaningful and profound .

  14. 韩娥的歌声悠扬悦耳,吸引了很多的过路人。

    Her songs sounded melodious and attracted many passers-by .

  15. 鸟巢中画眉的歌声悠扬似笛。

    And the thrushes are in song there , fluting from the nest .

  16. 而影片的背景音乐则轻缓悠扬、音响效果也出现低沉厚重等效果。

    While the music was melodious , and lighter sound effects also appeared .

  17. 我沉浸在了这曲悠扬的音乐中。

    I immersed myself in this beautiful music .

  18. 我可以听到悠扬的钟声某处凹槽的房子。

    I can hear the melodious chimes somewhere in the recesses of the house .

  19. 啊,我爱人象一支乐曲,乐声美妙、悠扬。

    O my luve is like the melodie That 's sweetly played in tune .

  20. 妙曼的歌声总是悠扬,璀璨的灯火总是绚烂。

    Wonderful and graceful song is melodious , the bright lights are always splendid .

  21. 我悠扬的笛音在悲鸣。

    At the sorrow of my sweet pipings .

  22. 他的音乐悠扬婉转,使所有的听众沉醉其中。

    His music is so wonderful that the audiences are all lost in it .

  23. 我跑着跑着,忽然有悠扬的琴声传来。

    I suddenly the sound of melodious sound .

  24. 背景是悠扬的钢琴声。

    A piano tinkled gently in the background .

  25. 在悠扬而孤独的旋律中吟唱。

    Sing in their high and lonely melody .

  26. 音符起伏、跳动也不太大,但听起来却十分悠扬缠绵,如泣如诉,动人心弦。

    The sound produced is faint but melodious , floating and lingering in the air .

  27. 左边有一幢大宅子里面灯火辉煌,乐声悠扬。

    From a big house to our left came a blaze of light and music .

  28. 他好像根本没有听到一个词,而是仅仅听见了音乐的悠扬旋律

    He seemed to have heard no words at all , only the melody of music

  29. 忽然水面上吹来了悠扬的歌声。

    Suddenly , the sound of someone singing came across the water on the wind .

  30. 也有悠扬动听的情歌和矫健明快的舞蹈;

    The region is renowned for its heritage of beautiful love songs and lively dancing .