
  • 网络Arts and crafts
  1. 我国的工艺美术品蜚声海外。

    China 's arts and crafts enjoy a high reputation abroad .

  2. 许多外国游客对中国式的工艺美术品表现出极大的兴趣。

    Many foreign tourists showed great interest in China-fashioned arts and crafts .

  3. 少数民族工艺美术品的现状分析

    Analysis of Current Situation of Arts and Crafts Work by Minorities

  4. 这和其它的工艺美术品一样。

    This is the same way in all other art fields .

  5. 您愿意给我介绍一下典型的中国工艺美术品吗?

    Would you please recommend some typical Chinese arts and crafts ?

  6. 外国朋友很喜欢这些工艺美术品。

    These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends .

  7. 工艺美术品等传统出口产品,要千方百计地增加出口。

    Traditional exports like art products should be increased by every means .

  8. 该馆展出他们的玻璃工艺美术品以及玻璃制作工艺有关知识。

    The museum displays glass artwork and shares Tittot 's glassmaking knowledge .

  9. (三)历史上各时代珍贵的艺术品、工艺美术品;

    Valuable works of art and handicraft articles dating from various historical periods ;

  10. 工艺美术品有限公司

    " Arts & Crafts Co. , Ltd. "

  11. 上海是中国工艺美术品制造的主要中心之一。

    Shanghai is one of the main centers where Chinese arts and crafts are made .

  12. 南通是我省工艺美术品重点产区之一。

    Nantong is a key producing areas of our province , one of arts and crafts .

  13. 当代云南工艺美术品设计中的古滇文化元素

    The Cultural Element of Ancient Yunnan in the Design of Modern Arts and Crafts of Yunnan

  14. 组织摄影、美术作品大赛。工艺美术品有限公司

    Contests shall be conducted in photography and calligraphy . " Arts & Crafts Co. , Ltd. "

  15. 中国古代铜镜集实用性、观赏性于一体,是富有民族特色的工艺美术品。

    Ancient Chinese bronze mirrors set practical , appreciative nature , is full of national characteristics arts and crafts .

  16. 巧夺天工的潮汕陶瓷、抽纱、潮绣、金漆木雕等工艺美术品远销世界各地。

    The exquisite Chao-Shan ceramics , drawn-work pieces , Chaozhou embroidery and golden carved lacquerwares are very popular in all parts of world .

  17. 我们专营中国工艺美术品出口,愿与贵方进行交易。

    Specializing in the export of Chinese arts & crafts goods , we express our desire to trade with you in this line .

  18. 以工艺美术品产业化的生产观来进行美术品的生产必然违背艺术的发展规律,使美术创作与设计艺术产生错位。

    It was naturally against the law of the development of the art to apply the concept of handicraft to the production of art works , which eventually led to the malpositions between art and design .

  19. 近年来,在工艺美术品中,人们开始把黑色竹丝和白色竹丝交叉编织成各种各样的平面艺术图案,图案效果生动逼真,在市场上大受欢迎。

    In recent years , the crafts , made of crossed black and white bamboo with a variety of graphic arts design , are popular in market . However , the traditional bamboo weaving cycle takes a long period of time .

  20. 地毯是中国传统的工艺美术实用品。

    Carpets are one of China 's traditional handicrafts of both artistic and practical value .

  21. 由于工艺技术的提高,促进了工艺美术品的繁盛发展,有益于装饰纹样的发展,使装饰纹样的应用面和题材比以往更宽广,传承并超越了唐代装饰纹样。

    Technology improvement has promoted the prosperity of arts and crafts , benefiting the development of decorative patterns , and also broadened the application and subject matter of the decorative patterns than in the past , even beyond the Tang Dynasty .