
ɡōnɡ zuò diàn jí
  • working electrode
  1. 应用Pt工作电极的动电位阴极极化可以对合金的蚀刻电流密度进行衡量。

    The etching current density of the alloy could be estimated by the cathodic polarization of potential sweep applied on Pt working electrode .

  2. 本文设计了一个以多孔碳毡(Porouscarbonfelt)为工作电极的库仑检测器并将其用于流动注射分析。

    The objective of this work is to design , characterize a coulometric detector based on the porous carbon felt as the working electrode and to demonstrate its application in flow injection analysis .

  3. 日的:寻找一种测定溶液中维生素K,含量的新方法、方法:由修饰玻碳电极为工作电极的三电极体系,用锁相交流溶出伏安法进行测定。

    Objective : To find out a new method for determining the contents of Vitamin K , solution .

  4. 用纯Co(OH)2和前驱体分别制备了工作电极,并用循环伏安和恒电流充放电等测试方法对它们的电化学性能进行了研究。

    The working electrodes were respectively prepared by pure Co ( OH ) 2 and precursor . Their electrochemical performances were measured by cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiometry .

  5. 检测方式为直流安培检测,工作电极为Ag电极,参比电极为Ag/Agcl电极。

    The detection was by means of DC amperometer detector with Ag as working electrode and Ag / AgCl as reference electrode .

  6. 以钨丝为工作电极研究了冰晶石基电解质熔盐中SiO_2的阴极还原行为。

    The cathodic reduction of SiO_2 in cryolite-based molten electrolytes was stud-ied using tungsten wires as working electrodes .

  7. 主要针对装置中实验研究所需的特殊工作电极&开槽CBN砂轮,论述其在新方法中在线修整的原理及其优越性,并进行了研究设计和分析选择。

    We also study the slot CBN emery wheel , which is a special work electrode required by the technique , and explains its principle for in-process dressing .

  8. 本实验采用三电极体系,其中以Pt丝为辅助电极,Ag/AgCl为参比电极,镀金石英电极为工作电极。

    In the study , Pt wire as counter electrode , Ag / AgCl as reference electrode , with the quartz electrode plated gold form a three electrodes system .

  9. 采用MEMS技术,在硅片上制备了分别以Au、Pt、Pt为电极材料的工作电极、对电极以及准参比电极的微型三电极系统。

    Based on MEMS technology , a micro three - electrode system including an Au working electrode , a Pt counter electrode and a Pt pseudo-reference electrode was produced .

  10. 多孔纳米晶TiO2光阳极作为染料敏化太阳能电池的工作电极,其表面性能和内部的电学性能决定了电池的转化效率。

    As the working electrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells , the surface and internal electrical characteristics of the mesoporous nanocrystalline TiO2 photo-anodes determine the energy conversion efficiency of the solar cells .

  11. 本文采用玻碳电极为工作电极,以阳极微分脉冲伏安法测定多巴胺,研究多巴胺在不同pH和各种介质中的脉冲伏安行为。

    The application of anodic differential pulse voltammetry with glass carbon electrode as working electrode to dopamine has been reported in this paper . The differential pulse voltammetric behavior of dopamine in a series of pH and electrolyte was investigated .

  12. 建立了一种PC微流控芯片封合之后,在通道内分别把三个金膜微电极修饰成葡萄糖氧化酶修饰工作电极、Ag/AgCl参比电极、Pt对电极的方法。

    A method was established for individual modification of three gold microelectrode bases sealed in the channel into a GOD enzyme working electrode , an Ag / AgCl reference electrode and a platinum counter electrode , respectively .

  13. 以透明导电玻璃(TCO)、纳米TiO2TCO、CNTsTCO、铜片分别为工作电极,用简单铜盐通过阴极还原制备了Cu2O薄膜,并研究了溶液温度和衬底对电化学沉积Cu2O薄膜形貌的影响。

    Cu_2O thin films were respectively prepared on TCO glass , nanocrystalline TiO_2 / TCO , CNTs / TCO and Cu substrate by cathodic electrodeposition .

  14. 用0.3mm直径Pt盘工作电极,在电位扫描速度高达10kV/s都可以得到类似于100%iR补偿的伏安曲线,而不必使用iR补偿电路。

    Nearly 100 % iR compensations were obtained at working electrode with 0.3 mm diameter at scan rate as high as 10 kV / s without using iR compensation circuit .

  15. 并将其作为工作电极,在K3[Fe(CN)6]溶液中,用循环伏安法测定了其的电化学性能。

    Electrochemical activities of the array electrode for K3 [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ] , which was used as the working electrode , were investigated by means of cyclic voltammertry .

  16. 采用以纳米PbO2修饰电极为工作电极的安培检测器,用流动注射法快速检测水体中的化学需氧量(COD)。

    An electrochemical detection system with a nanometer lead dioxide modified electrode for flow ( injection ) analysis to determine chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) is described .

  17. 用于产生表面等离子体的金属膜作为电化学研究中的工作电极,在同一条件下进行现场原位电化学和SPR测试,同时获得关于电化学和光学方面丰富全面的信息。

    The gold film that excites the surface plasmons is used as working electrode in the electrochemical cell . Both electrochemical and optical information are simultaneously obtained by in situ electrochemistry and SPR tests .

  18. 同时,将所制得的银纳米线作为联吡啶钌[Ru(bpy)32+]电化学发光(ECL)的工作电极对其催化机理进行了研究。

    Meanwhile , the as-prepared silver nanowires were used as work electrode to the electrochemical luminescence ( ECL ) of Ru ( bpy ) 32 + for research its catalytic mechanism .

  19. 以其电极为工作电极,Ag/AgCl为参比电极,Pt丝为对比电极,多孔聚四氟乙烯膜作为透气膜制成传感器。

    The CO gas sensor is based on MWNTs power micro-electrode as working electrode , an Ag / AgCl as reference electrode , a Pt wire as counter electrode , and a porous polyethylene film which is in direct contact with the gas-containing atmosphere .

  20. 几种ASV仪器已成功的用于铅检测,但它们中的大多数工作电极都使用滴汞电极,或汞膜电极。

    Several techniques of ASV have been successfully employed for lead detection , but most of them involved either hanging mercury drop electrodes , or mercury film electrodes .

  21. 以CNF/Nafion/Ru(bpy)32+/CPE作为工作电极,节省了昂贵的发光试剂。

    The CNF / Nafion / Ru ( bpy ) 32 + / CPE was used as the working electrode , which could effectively reduce the consumption of expensive reagent .

  22. 采用三电极体系,Ni(OH)2/NiOOH为对电极,CNTs-Ni(质量比为1:9)为工作电极,Hg/HgO为参比电极,30%的KOH作为电解液。

    Three-electrode system is introduced to test the difference . Ni ( OH ) _2 / NiOOH is used as the counter electrode , CNTs-Ni ( the mass ratio is 1:9 ) as the working electrode and Hg / HgO as the reference electrode .

  23. 在0℃下,以银为工作电极,镁棒为对电极,在5mA·cm-2的电流密度下恒电流电解,当通过2.5F·mol-1的电量后,苯乙酸的产率可达74%。

    At the temperature of 0 ℃ and the current density of 5 mA · cm-2 , the yield of phenyl acetic acid reached 74 % , using silver as work electrode , magnesium as counter electrode .

  24. 结合I-V曲线和交流阻抗谱,发现多硫电解液与工作电极FTO接触所带来的较小的并联电阻是主要的影响因素。

    With the analysis of I-V curves and AC impedance spectrums , we concluded that the low shunt resistance caused by the direct contact at S2 - / Sn2-electrolyte / FTO interface is one of the key factors which limit the overall performances of the cells .

  25. 如今,这两个系统使用“湿”电极,它通过头骨下导电胶收集脑波,但该公司正在研究采用干法工作电极的新版本,Bruckner说。

    Today , both systems use " wet " electrodes , which pick up the brainwaves using a conducting gel under the skullcap , but the company is working on a new version using dry electrodes , said Bruckner .

  26. 多工作电极流动薄层电化学检测器及电解色谱

    Flowing thin-layer electrochemical detectors with multiple working electrodes and electrolytic chromatography

  27. 一种基于双工作电极-双通道的毛细管电泳电化学检测系统

    A New Dual-electrode and Dual-channel Electrochemical Detection System for Capillary Electrophoresis

  28. 流动注射/串联式双工作电极安培检测系统研究

    Studies on a Flow Injection / Dual-Electrode Amperometric Detection System

  29. 双盘工作电极参比电位采样快扫伏安方法

    Twin Disk Working Electrode : Potential Sampling Method for Cyclic Voltammetric Measurements

  30. 然后,将制备好的导电织物作为电化学体系中的工作电极,进一步发生电化学反应,得到电化学聚合吡咯/棉导电织物。

    In electrochemical system , conductive fabrics are prepared as working electrode .