
  • 网络small airway disease
  1. 目的:探讨小气道病变常见病因及对因治疗的意义。

    Objective : To observe the usual cause of small airway disease and the significance of etiological therapy .

  2. 流速容量曲线和闭合气量对诊断青年人小气道病变敏感性的比较

    Comparison of the sensitivity of flow volume curve and closing volume in diagnosing small airway disease in the youth

  3. 目的探讨呼气末定量CT对早期小气道病变的诊断价值。

    Objective To determine whether the end expiratory quantitative CT has value in detecting early stage small airway diseases .

  4. 吸烟与小气道病变的病理和HRCT表现

    Pathologic and HRCT Findings of Minor Airway Lesion in Smoking

  5. 目的探讨脉冲振荡技术(IOS)对小气道病变诊断价值。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of small airway obstruction by impulse oscillometry .

  6. 目的:探讨小气道病变时高分辨率CT(HRCT)所示马赛克衰减程度与肺功能检查指标的相关性,并评价其临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the correlation of the extent of mosaic attenuation on HRCT with results of pulmonary function tests ( PFTs ) .

  7. COPD急性加重期与稳定期细菌感染组与未感染组小气道病变程度差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the extent of small airway diseases between COPD with bacterial infection and that without bacterial infection ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. COPD小气道病变程度与细菌感染没有直接因果关系。

    There is no direct cause and effect relationship between bacterial infection and the extent of small airway diseases in patients with COPD .

  9. 小气道病变组及COPD组气道粘膜层淋巴细胞数明显高于对照组;

    And the number of lymphocytes in the mucosa layer as significantly higher in caces of small airway lesion and COPD than in the normal group .

  10. 方法:86例肺部局限性病变患者,依据术前的病史和肺功能分为3组。正常组30例,小气道病变组34例,慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)组22例。

    Methods : 86 subjects with limited lung lesions were divided into three groups in according to the state of lung function and cace histories before operation : 30 cases of normal subjects 34 cases of small airway lesions and 22 cases of COPD .

  11. 小气道病变与病理关系的探讨

    Relationship between small airway lesion and pathological changes

  12. 石棉车间自然染尘犬的小气道病变及其病因学研究

    Small Airway Lesions Induced by Inhalation of Asbestos Dust in Dogs Pathological and Aetiological Studies

  13. 目的:探讨小气道病变与病理关系。

    Objective : To study the the relationship between small airway lesion and pathological changes .

  14. 小气道病变的数字化X线摄影诊断

    Digital Radiology Diagnosis of Small-airway Disease

  15. 结论中度肥胖可导致限制性肺通气功能损害、小气道病变和气道总阻抗升高。

    Conclusion Moderate obesity may relevant to lung volume restriction , small airway obstruction and increased total respiratory resistance .

  16. 小气道病变可以仅发生在小气道本身,也可以是肺和大气道病变的延伸。

    Abnormalities of the small airways may originate within these airways themselves or result from extension of diseases involving either the larger bronchi or the lung parenchyma .

  17. 这样的影像表现常指小气道病变,但是确切阻塞的部位及型态仅止于推测而已。

    This radiologic finding indicates small airway disease , but the site of airflow obstruction and the type of involvement have only been speculated about thus far .

  18. 结果:小气道病变组炎性细胞浸润、平滑肌肥厚积分明显高于正常组;

    Result : The scores of inflammatory cell infiltration and smooth muscle hypertrophy were significantly higher in the cases of small airway lesion than in the normal .

  19. 结论:小气道病变尽早针对病因治疗,部分患者可以恢复正常,对避免以小气道重塑为主的不可逆病变有重要意义。

    Conclusion : Some patients with small airway disease can recover by etiological treatment and early treatment plays an important role in avoidance of small airway remodeling .

  20. 结论脑血管疾病偏瘫患者存在限制性通气障碍和呼吸肌无力,而无阻塞性通气功能障碍和小气道病变。

    Conclusion There were limited ventilation dysfunction and respiratory muscle disability in cerebrovascular disease patients with hemiplegia , but there were not obstructed ventilation dysfunction and small airway disease .

  21. 无症状吸烟者的异常检出率分别为22.7%和20.5%,表明可作为检出小气道早期病变的指标。

    The identifying abnormalities of them in asymptomatic smokers are 22.7 per cent and 20.5 per cent respectively and show to be selective as detecting indices of early small airway diseases .

  22. B0是慢性气流阻塞的临床综合征,主要由小气道的炎性病变引起。

    BO is a clinical syndrome that is characterized by chronic airflow obstructive that is caused by inflammation of small airways .

  23. 现在,小气道疾病是指任何累及小气道的病变,而细支气管炎则描述细支气管炎症更有特异性。

    Small-airways disease now generally refers to any condition affecting the bronchioles , whereas bronchiolitis more specifically describes inflammation of the bronchioles .

  24. 早期小气道炎症对哮喘的发生发展至关重要,早期发现小气道病变可早期诊断哮喘,提高预后。

    Early small airway inflammation has an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma , to discovery small airway disease is a favorable way on diagnosing asthma in order to improve prognosis .