
xiǎo xínɡ kǎ chē
  • small platform lorry
  1. 丰田在小型卡车领域拥有多年的成功经验。

    Toyota 's been successful in small trucks for a long time .

  2. “航行者”,美国一流的小型卡车。

    Voyager , the American class mini-van .

  3. 远处传来的是阵阵枪声。偶而,有一辆汽车或小型卡车压着路面的玻璃碎片打这里经过。

    As shots rang in the distance , only an occasional car or pickup truck raced down glass-strewn streets .

  4. 转盘撑夹尺寸范围大,可以满足中小型卡车和轿车轮胎的拆装工作。

    The range for the clamping is large , suitable for the middle and small truck tyres and car tyres .

  5. 我愿意用这辆汽车换一辆小型轻便卡车。||Theluckguyisachoicepickupforthegirls.那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想勾搭上的人。

    I would love to trade this car for a pickup truck .

  6. 我开着辆小型轻便卡车,感觉自己十分强大&别惹我!

    I am strong in a big-wheeled pickup truck & don 't mess with me !

  7. 撒迦利亚布兰顿被指控上周末在印第安纳州南部境内向一辆敞蓬小型载货卡车开枪射击。

    Zachariah Blanton is accused of opening fire on a pickup truck in southern Indiana over the weekend .

  8. 基辅,乌克兰随着人群高呼着这位前重量级冠军韦塔利?克里奇科的名字,他爬上了敞蓬小型载货卡车的后箱。

    Kiev , ukraine & the former heavyweight champion climbed onto the back of a pickup truck as the crowd roared his name .

  9. 而在美国犹他州伊诺克的乡下村舍里,动物收容机构使用的是古老的小型敞蓬卡车排放出的一氧化碳气,对动物实施安乐死。

    In the rural farming community of Enoch , Utah , the animal shelter 's brick gas chamber uses carbon monoxide exhaust from an old pickup truck .

  10. 之后,他伸手去抓那条吓坏了的老母狗的后脖子,把它一路侧身拖至他那辆小型运货卡车旁。

    Then he reached down and grabbed the scared old female dog by the back of the neck and drug her on her side all the way over to his pick-up truck .

  11. 现年23岁的他是一名身在北方联盟领地中的商人,经常开着他的丰田小型载货卡车,到靠近多拿马村的前线那里,载上诸如糖、人造黄油、大米和茶之类的货物。

    A23-year-old trader in Northern Alliance territory who takes his white Toyota pickup truck down to the front lines near the village of Dornoma and loads up on sugar , margarine , rice and tea .

  12. 新型中英文打字机,携带轻巧,操作方便,一试就会。我愿意用这辆汽车换一辆小型轻便卡车。

    The new-style Chinese-English typewriter is light to carry aBout and easy to operate , and you can use it well after one time . I would love to trade this car for a pickup truck .

  13. 美国政府下属的国家公路交通安全管理局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)周一宣布召回新泽西州分销商ForeignTireSales销售的轮胎,这些轮胎可用于有篷货车、SUV和小型敞篷载货卡车。

    The US government 's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced on Monday the recall of tyres sold by Foreign Tire Sales , a New Jersey distributor , which are used in vans , sports utility vehicles and pick-up trucks .

  14. 库扎克对Ecoboost青睐有加,因为这台引擎能在各类车型上广泛运用,从小型汽车到卡车,无一例外。

    Kuzak likes EcoBoost because it can be deployed across a wide variety of vehicles , from small cars to large trucks .

  15. 有一辆小型敞篷运货卡车正等着维修。

    There was a pickup truck waiting to be serviced .

  16. 长期而言,我们认为小型轿车和轻型卡车将成为中国汽车市场的销量冠军。

    In the long term , we believe small cars as well as light trucks will be the champion of the Chinese auto market , 'Yeung said .