
  • 网络small town planning
  1. 我国小城镇规划设计中存在问题剖析&大连经济技术开发区海滨区域设计研究

    The Analysis of the Problems Existing in the Small Town Planning

  2. 小城镇规划中的生态环境容量研究

    A study on the ecological environment capacity in small town planning

  3. 本课题使用开放的三维函数库OpenGL以及面向对象程序设计语言C++,融入地理信息系统(GIS)和数字摄影测量(DP)技术,为小城镇规划管理系统搭建了一个虚拟现实平台。

    The basic Virtual Reality platform for town 's layout and management is constructed by OpenGL and C + + , blended in Geography Information System and Digital Photography .

  4. 城市与区域规划,特别是小城镇规划,与区域资源与环境规划。

    City and regional 's plan , resouces and enviconmentats planning .

  5. 小城镇规划与公众参与制度的建立

    The establishment of small town planning and public participation system

  6. 小城镇规划管理的重点、难点与对策

    Important Issues , problems and Countermeasures of Planning Management of Small Towns

  7. 关于新形势下小城镇规划问题的几点看法

    Some views on the little town planning at new situation

  8. 最佳人居小城镇规划设计方法研究&以常熟市海虞镇为例

    Urban Planning Method Study of the Best Livable Small Town

  9. 试点小城镇规划建设中的一些经验和教训

    The Planning and Construction of the Pilot Cities and Towns in Sichuan

  10. 天津市现代小城镇规划模式探讨

    Discussion on Planning Models of Small Modern Cities and Towns in Tianjin

  11. 论小城镇规划中教育功能的体现&以重庆市云阳县红狮镇规划为例

    Embodiment of the Education Function in the Small Towns Planning

  12. 小城镇规划实施问题及对策研究

    Study on the existent problem and solution of the small town planning implement

  13. 谈小城镇规划与建设

    The planning and construction of small city and town

  14. 浅谈小城镇规划建设的高起点

    Brief introduction to high starting point for the small-town 's plan and construction

  15. 小城镇规划、建设与管理的思考

    The thought on towns planning , construction and management

  16. 小城镇规划管理体系的研究

    Research on Planning Management System in Small Towns

  17. 节约型小城镇规划建设中的问题及其对策研究

    Conservation-planning and construction of small cities and towns of the problem and Its Countermeasures

  18. 小城镇规划中的四个结合&以重庆市酉阳县北部新区修建性详细规划为例

    Four Combinations in the Layout of Small Town

  19. 小城镇规划的区域观点与动态观点

    The Regional and Dynamic Perspective in Town Planning

  20. 重庆市小城镇规划控制与引导方法研究

    Study on the Planning Method of Control and Guidance of Small Towns in Chongqing

  21. 广州市边缘小城镇规划建设可持续发展问题浅析

    Simply analyze the sustainable development problem of small towns planning and construction in Guangzhou

  22. 市民社会涌动下小城镇规划编制中的公众参与

    Public participation in town planning in civil society

  23. 小城镇规划中美的探索

    Aesthetic Exploration of the Small Towns Planning

  24. 西部小城镇规划探讨

    Discussion on planning the west little towns

  25. 宁波市小城镇规划建设基本原则探讨

    On the Town Plan Principle of Ningbo

  26. 文章从新农村建设和住宅建设两方面论述了小城镇规划的必要性。

    The Research of Residential Constructions Project to New Countryside of Yangling in Shaanxi Province ;

  27. 河北省太行山生态旅游型小城镇规划研究

    The Study on the Theory of Hebei Taihang Mountains Eco-tourism Type of Small Towns Planning

  28. 从经济发展的角度透视传统小城镇规划的缺陷

    The angle from economic development to view the defect of traditional planning of small town

  29. 加拿大小城镇规划:内容、方法与管理构架

    The Planning of Small Town in Canada : Contents , Methods and Governmental Supporting System

  30. 关于小城镇规划建设问题的几点思考

    Thoughts of Small Towns Planning and Construction