
  1. 寿被赋予慈禧太后当她颁发绣挂毯,八仙皇后庆祝生日。

    Shou was bestowed by Empress Dowager Cixi when she presented the Empress with the embroidered tapestry , Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday .

  2. 凯文抓住了他的手腕,一卷寿丝被打的飞出了大厅。

    Kevin grabbed for his wrist , knocking a sushi roll across the living room .

  3. 逝者的寿棺昨天被搬到一所军事学院,明天他的国葬定于在这里进行。

    Its casket was moved to a military academy yesterday , that 's where his state funeral is scheduled to happen tomorrow .