
  • 网络calf diarrhea
  1. 豫、皖两省部分地区犊牛腹泻的调查和诊断防治研究

    Investigation , Diagnosis and Treatment of Calf Diarrhea in Eastern Henan and Western Anhui Province

  2. 犊牛腹泻是影响奶牛业可持续发展的主要疾病之一,其发病率高,死亡率高。

    Dairy calf diarrhea , which has high incidence and high mortality , is one of major diseases to affect sustainable development of the industry .

  3. 抗犊牛腹泻益生菌株BN-9产芽孢条件的优化

    Optimization of the Spore Production Conditions of Strain BN-9 as Probiotics to Prevent Calf Diarrhea

  4. 试验检测犊牛腹泻率、成活率、生长指标和免疫功能的变化。

    The diarrhea rate , survival rate , growth index , and immunologic function were measured .

  5. 抗犊牛腹泻益生菌株的筛选及其产芽孢和产抗菌蛋白条件优化

    Screening and Identification and Optimization of Spore Production Conditions and Antifungal Protein Production Conditions of Anti-calf-diarrhea Probiotics Strains

  6. 本试验采用健康肥育黄牛血液制备的丙球蛋白注射液,其丙球蛋白含量达40毫克/毫升,纯度达75%;对犊牛腹泻治疗有效率达92.5%,对牛流行热治疗有效率达86.6%。

    Globin injection with the purity of 75 % prepared from healthy yellow cattle blood contained 40 mg γ globin and have the cure effective rate of 92.5 % and 86.6 % on calf diarrhea and bovine epidemic fever , respectively .

  7. 该毒株可在接种后12~17h内引起山羊羔、绵羊羔,以及犊牛发生急性腹泻,并排出大量病毒,其核酸电泳图型及组抗原检测也与原接种病毒一致。

    The KB-63 strain caused acute diarrhea in kid , lamb and calf during 12-17 hours postinoculation , and all diarrhea animals sheded a large quantity of viruses . The electrophoresis profile of the virus and virus-group antigen examination were consistent with inoculated virus .

  8. 犊牛流行性腹泻病原研究

    A study on the pathogen of calf epidemic diarrhea

  9. 犊牛细菌性腹泻快速诊断方法的建立与流行病学研究

    Study on Rapid Diagnosis of Bovine Bacterial Diarrhea

  10. 采用致病性大肠杆菌进行攻毒,服用复合产酸菌组的犊牛未出现腹泻,而未服复合产酸菌组的犊牛出现腹泻。

    The diarrhea appeared when the calf not given the producing acid bacteria are attacked with the virulence E coli , while the diarrhea do not appeared for the calf given the producing acid bacteria .

  11. 犊牛流行性腹泻是一种多发病,其病死率较高,主要死亡原因为并发脱水和酸中毒,因此预防和纠正脱水是降低本病死亡的关键。

    Calf epidemic diarrhea ( CED ) is a commonly encountered calf disease with higher mortality , the main cause of death is dehydration and acidosis . Therefore , prevention and treatment of dehydration are the key in lowering the mortality of CED .