
  • 网络Indapamide
  1. 结论海藻酸钾散剂与寿比山具有相似的降压疗效,是一种安全、有效的降压药。

    Conclusion The efficacy and safety of potassium alginate for hypertension was similar to indapamide .

  2. 在此基础上,进一步基于SWOT矩阵分析并结合寿比山的营销目标、市场定位,确定了产品营销策略。

    A further analysis is made based on SWOT Matrix . Together with the marketing target and the market positioning , the marketing strategy of the product is formed .

  3. 首先对宏观环境、降压药物市场、竞争企业等进行分析,并从寿比山产品自身出发,依照4P营销观念,从产品、价格、渠道、促销几个方面对寿比山进行了分析。

    First , the macro-environment , the market of anti-hypertensive drugs and the rival companies are analyzed . In accordance with the 4P marketing concept , Indapamide is then analyzed from the aspects of the product itself , the price , the channel , and the sales promotion .