
  • 网络Life test;MTBF
  1. LED可靠性评估的加速寿命试验设计方法

    Accelerated Life Test Design for the Reliability Assessment of LEDs

  2. LED寿命试验系统的建立

    The set up of LED Life Test System

  3. PLC在按钮型主令电器电寿命试验中的应用

    Application of PLC in electrical endurance test of the button-swithes

  4. 传动V带强化疲劳寿命试验的探讨

    An Investigation in the Fatigue Life Test of V-Belts

  5. 用PLC实现电磁式开关电寿命试验的方法

    A Method of the Electrical Life Test of a Electro-Magnetic Switch Realized with PLC

  6. Excel在轴承寿命试验数据处理中的应用

    Application of Excel in Data Processing of Bearing Life Test

  7. Weibull分布场合恒定应力加速寿命试验的最优线性无偏估计

    Best Linear Unbiased Estimator of Accelerated Life Test Under Weibull Distribution

  8. 一种新的Weibull分布恒定应力加速寿命试验分析方法

    Analysis for Constant-stress Accelerated Life Testing Data under Weibull Life Distribution

  9. 采用加速寿命试验和点估计法获得了膜电阻的基本失效率λRT和布线与工艺基本失效率λC;

    By accelerated life test and point estimate method the basic failure rate λ RT and λ C are obtained .

  10. Weibull分布下多组序进应力加速寿命试验的统计分析

    Statistical inference from multiplicate progressive stresses accelerated life testing under Weibull distribution

  11. 本文以CO传感器为例,提供了一种气体传感器加速寿命试验方法。

    This paper develops an accelerated life testing method for gas sensor taking CO ( carbon monoxide ) sensor as an example .

  12. 定数截尾寿命试验三参数威布尔分布的Bayes统计分析

    Bayes Statistical Analysis of the 3-Parameter Weibull Distribution from Life Test of Type II Censoring Case

  13. 主要介绍了S7-200系列PLC在真空断路器电寿命试验中的具体应用。

    The practical application of series PLC S7-200 in electrical endurance test of VCB is mainly introduced .

  14. 传感器的分辨率已达0.01°,通过可靠性寿命试验,传感器的失效率λ(t)<1×10-7/h。

    The resolution of the sensor has reached 0.01 °, the failure rate is λ( t ) < 1 × 10-7 / h by reliability life test .

  15. 提出了一种混合厚膜直流-直流(DC-DC)变换器单步进应力加速寿命试验方法。

    A single step-stress acceleration life test method for hybrid thick film DC-DC converters was proposed .

  16. 研究了定时截尾寿命试验情形下指数分布参数的Bayes检验问题。

    In this paper we study the Bayes test problem for the failure rate of exponential distribution based on type-censoring .

  17. 通过对内腔式He-Ne激光管的工作寿命试验,由威布尔分析定量地描述了激光管的各项寿命特征,并讨论了管子的失效模式。

    Several life-time characteristics are described quantitatively and the failure modes are discussed through lifetime test of He-Ne lasers and Weibull analysis .

  18. 高加速寿命试验(HALT)与高加速应力筛选(HASS)

    Highly Accelerated Life Test ( HALT ) And Highly Accelerated Stress Screen ( HASS )

  19. 利用加速寿命试验中获得的数据,通过分析,预估出CCD器件的可靠度;分析了高能辐射对CCD器件的影响;

    In this paper use the data acquired from the speeding up lifetime test , estimating the reliability of CCD , analyzing the influence of high energy irradiation on CCD device .

  20. Gompertz分布序进应力加速寿命试验损伤失效率模型下的统计分析

    The statistical analysis of Gompertz distribution base on tampered failure rate model under progressive stress accelerated life testing

  21. 60h的寿命试验表明,该催化剂具有良好的稳定性。

    During 60h of catalyst life test , the catalyst showed very good stability .

  22. 从材料的SN曲线与构件的SN曲线形状相似原理出发,结合Bayes估计理论和加速寿命试验理论,提出一个估计构件疲劳极限的极小样本方法。

    A minimum sample method is given to determine the fatigue limits of structural components based on Bayes estimation theory , the accelerated life testing theory and the similarity of S & N curve between material and components .

  23. 几何分布截尾样本场合步进应力加速寿命试验TFR模型下的统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Geometric Distribution with Censored Sample Based on Tampered Failure Rate Model under the Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing

  24. 结果表明美国G公司规范和国内QC/T533&99标准中关于螺伞齿轮疲劳寿命试验的试验条件较苛刻,且与实际工况存在一定差距;

    The results of anatomy and analysis have shown that conditions of fatigue life test specifications about rear axle spiral bevel gear in G company USA and QC / T 533-99 standards in China are more strict , and there is difference with practical situation .

  25. 经102.5h寿命试验,证明C-50的孔结构稳定,有一定的抗中毒能力。

    A 102h test showed that C-50 is a stable pore structure and a poison-resistant catalyst .

  26. 针对发动机构件寿命试验评估中对寿命分散系数计算公式与不同取值的需求,本文导出了寿命符合对数正态分布、基于任意第k试验寿命分散系数计算公式。

    For the needs of the life scatter factors under different conditions to assess the engine component lives , in this paper , the theoretical formulas of the life scatter factors based on the arbitrary kth order experimental life of a small sample with logarithm normal distribution were deduced .

  27. 第二部分对基于永磁操动机构的真空断路器的机械寿命试验系统&真空开关试验控制器进行了设计,用PLC作为逻辑控制的核心。

    Based on PMA , the design of the mechanical life test system of vacuum circuit breaker which is also named vacuum circuit breaker test controller , is the second part of the paper . PLC is used as the controlling core component in the design of logical controlled circuit .

  28. 疲劳寿命试验及计算实例表明,与采用常规的确定性Miner法则计算结果相比,按照该文方法计算得出的疲劳寿命更接近于疲劳寿命试验结果。

    The fatigue life experiments and practical calculation example show that the calculated result of the fatigue life using the new calculation method is more close to the experimental result than that by means of ordinary certainty Miner rule .

  29. cm-2电流密度下进行强化寿命试验。用自带能谱仪(EDS)的场发射高分辩电子扫描显微镜(SE-SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)进行电解前后的表面形貌和成分分析。

    Cm-2 current density , the morphology and composition were investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy ( FE-SEM ) with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry ( EDS ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) .

  30. 依据裂纹萌生寿命试验数据,用计算反推法确定结构细节裂纹萌生psN曲线三参数式的参数cp;

    On the basis of test data of crack initial life , the factors c p in three parameter formula of crack initial p s N curves for structural details are determined by backward compute method .