
shòu sī
  • sushi
  1. 在我家当地的三明治连锁店eat,寿司真的很倒胃口。

    At eat , my local sandwich chain , the sushi is quite revolting .

  2. 与此同时,美国全国寿司协会(nationalsushiassociation)的报告称,目前在美国的超市里有5000多个寿司柜台,而且这个数字还在持续迅速窜升。

    Meanwhile the national sushi Association reports that there are now more than 5000 sushi bars in American supermarkets , with the number continuing to rise fast .

  3. 中国:全球最大的寿司卷2009年5月,成龙在上海庆祝他的寿司连锁店“G寿司”开业。

    InMay 2009 , Jackie Chan celebrated the Shanghai opening of his sushichain , G Sushi , by revealing the world 's largest sushi roll .

  4. 英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)就金枪鱼罐头提出了建议,但没有对寿司提出建议。

    Britain 's NHS has advice about canned tuna but not about sushi .

  5. 在他的Ins上还有帽衫寿司、篮球寿司、名人肖像寿司等,它们全部是用相同的寿司配料制作的。

    His Instagram page shows hoodies , basketballs , and celebrity portraits all crafted out of the same sushi ingredients .

  6. 免费的公共WiFi和自行车或汽车共享(智能社区的支柱)像黄油寿司那样罕见。

    Free public Wi-Fi and bike or car sharing pillars of smart communities are as rare as buttered sushi .

  7. 又一个晚上要在一边叫外卖寿司、一边观看《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)的重播中度过。

    Another night spent ordering in sushi for one and mooning over ' Downton Abbey ' reruns .

  8. 谢伊说,“买一份午餐不行,我必须要买两份。”谢伊最近午饭吃的是从附近一家WholeFoods买的小份寿司和甘蓝沙拉。

    Instead of one lunch , I have to buy two lunches , ' says Mr. Shea , who recently ate small portions of sushi and a kale salad from a nearby Whole Foods for his midday meals .

  9. 谢伊说,买一份午餐不行,我必须要买两份。谢伊最近午饭吃的是从附近一家wholefoods买的小份寿司和甘蓝沙拉。

    ' Instead of one lunch , I have to buy two lunches , ' says Mr. Shea , who recently ate small portions of sushi and a kale salad from a nearby Whole Foods for his midday meals .

  10. 在海拔2000米的地方,CapHorn餐馆专门提供海鲜食品,有寿司、鱼子酱、大盘冷藏牡蛎、蛤蜊、蟹和其它甲壳动物,几乎无所不有。

    At 2,000 metres , Cap Horn specialises in sea-level seafood : from sushi to caviar to giant plates of chilled oysters , clams , crab and assorted fruits de mer .

  11. 据Takeshi所说,很多日本人喜爱的食品例如寿司已经出现在丹麦的宫廷菜单上。

    Japanese favourites such as sushi appear on the palace menu , said Takeshi .

  12. 与此同时,美国的寿司生产商已经发明了自己的主打产品,例如加利福尼亚卷(Californiaroll)&这是一种由鳄梨和螃蟹混合制成的寿司,如今在日本的时尚寿司店也占领了一席之地。

    US sushi makers , meanwhile , have devised their own masterworks , such as the California roll , an avocado and crab concoction that is now gaining a foothold in trendier sushi bars in Japan .

  13. 2009年5月,成龙在上海庆祝他的寿司连锁店“G寿司”开业。而他们庆祝的方式就是做了全世界最大的寿司卷:即便是身为功夫明星的成龙也不能环抱这个寿司巨人。

    In May 2009 , Jackie Chan celebrated the Shanghai opening of his sushi chain , G Sushi , by revealing the world 's largest sushi roll . Not even the martial arts star could wrap his arms around the colossus .

  14. Koyama用当地的鱼和芥末酱来做寿司和生鱼片。

    Mr. Koyama uses local fish and locally grown wasabi in his sushi and sashimi .

  15. 到目前为止,YujiaHu已经制作了阿迪、万斯、耐克等经典鞋类品牌的“寿司鞋”,甚至还有侃爷的椰子鞋。

    Thus far , Hu has tackled iconic footwear brands like Adidas , Vans , Nike , and even Kanye West 's Yeezy label .

  16. 除了寿司卷与生鱼片,他还点了一碗盐毛豆、软壳蟹、天妇罗虾(prawntempura)。

    He orders a bowl of salted edamame beans , soft-shelled crab and prawn tempura as well as a selection of rolls and sashimi .

  17. 芝加哥Moto餐厅的大厨荷马洛.坎图已经“用食物打印机做出了寿司”。

    Homaro Cantu , chef at Chicago 's Moto , has " printed sushi using an ink jet printer . "

  18. SpearmintRhino脱衣舞俱乐部把顾客称为“绅士”,闪光寿司公司也希望自己的顾客并非一般的食客。

    Just as Spearmint Rhino calls its customers " gentlemen ", the folk Flash Sushi wish to attract are a cut above the usual diners .

  19. 旧金山门-它的消失有机今年,从烟熏鲑养殖osetra鱼子酱pizzas数组的tapas,海鲜,寿司及最后,有机巧克力雕像。

    San Francisco Gate-It 's gone organic this year , from the smoked salmon and farm-raised osetra caviar pizzas to an array of tapas , seafood , sushi and finally , organic chocolate statues .

  20. 此外,有报道称,英国独立电视台(ITV)《塞尔弗里奇先生》(MrSelfridge)电视剧中的主演杰里米皮文(JeremyPiven)也因食用寿司导致汞中毒被送往医院。

    In addition , the actor Jeremy Piven , star of ITV 's Mr Selfridge franchise , also was reported to have been hospitalised for mercury toxicity from eating sushi .

  21. 市中心忙碌的泛亚餐馆Moriki是柏林大厨DucNgo最近开的,菜肴包括挑战陈规的寿司比萨。

    In the city center , a buzzy pan-Asian restaurant called Moriki was just opened by the Berlin-based chef Duc Ngo with a menu that includes envelope-pushing courses like sushi pizza ;

  22. 生物物理学家奥利·莫里特森(OleMouritsen)说,一个很重要的原因就是重力——或者说重力在海里的作用微乎其微。他写过一本书,叫做《寿司:养眼、果腹又提神的食物》。

    A big part of it is gravity - or the effective lack of it in the ocean , says biophysicist Ole Mouritsen , author of Sushi : Food for the Eye , the Body and the Soul .

  23. 28岁的主厨YujiaHu来自米兰,他就是“寿司鞋”的创作者。这些可食用的寿司看起来跟潮牌运动鞋一模一样。

    Chef Yujia Hu , 28 , is the Milan-based mastermind behind what has been dubbed ' shoe-shi ' , edible pieces of sushi that looks just like mini trendy sneakers .

  24. 尽管自从美国影院集团IMAX首席执行官理查德嬠尔方(RichardGelfond)自称因每天食用寿司而被诊断出汞中毒后,媒体已对这一问题进行了广泛报道。

    This despite the well-publicised concern when Richard Gelfond , CEO of the US cinema group Imax , reported that he had been diagnosed with mercury toxicity after eating sushi on a daily basis .

  25. 要想在sakenohana实现这个愿望,则必须等到一楼的那个雅致的寿司台在3月份竣工之后,而这又要等到丘德威完成寿司台内部的中央台面设计之后。

    Sake no Hana will only begin to realise this ambition once the elegant sushi counter on the ground floor is open in March , which in turn depends on Yau finalising the design for the island unit inside it .

  26. 为了让“寿司椰子鞋”的记忆留存下来,YujiaHu将“寿司鞋”的照片拿来出售。这样运动鞋和生鱼片的爱好者就可以将这个不可能的结合永远珍藏。

    In order to keep the memory of his sushi Yeezys alive , Hu sells prints of his shoe-shi creations so that all lovers of sneakers and sashimi can treasure this unlikely meeting of worlds forever .

  27. 她好脾气地带我去经堂火车站(Kyodo)附近的一家小餐馆,她家就住在那一带,离新宿大约有20分钟车程。那家朴素的小餐馆名叫绿寿司(MidoriSushi),旁边是一家肯德基。

    She good-humoredly took me to a small place near the Kyodo train station in her neighborhood , about a 20-minute ride from Shinjuku : Midori Sushi , an unpretentious restaurant next to a KFC .

  28. Shinzuku日式餐厅提供午餐和晚餐,客人可以品尝到正宗的寿司和风味铁板烧。

    Guests can also experience the sushi and teppanyaki counter at Shinzuku Japanese restaurant , open daily for lunch and dinner .

  29. 金正银可能只有27岁。到现在为止,关于这位年轻的新大将,唯一的公开信息来自曾为金正日做寿司的日本厨师藤本健二(KenjiFujimoto)。

    Until now , the only public information on the young new general , who is probably only 27 years old , came from Kenji Fujimoto , a Japanese sushi chef who worked for Kim Jong-il .

  30. 90岁的寿司大师小野二郎(JiroOno)已经具有令人敬畏的地位,2012年的记录片《寿司之神》(JiroDreamsofSushi)更是让他成为传奇。这家餐厅只有10个座位,很难进入,但莫里能安排。

    The 90-year-old sushi master Jiro Ono 's already formidable status was made outright legendary with the release of the 2012 documentary " Jiro Dreams of Sushi . " The 10-seat restaurant is difficult to get into , but Ms. Mori can make the arrangements .