
  • 网络the lost decade;lost ten years
  1. 这是股市失去的十年,与20世纪30年代的情况类似,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)高级投资顾问杰拉尔德·卢卡斯(GeraldLucas)说。

    It has been a lost decade for equities , similar to the 1930s , Gerald Lucas , senior investment adviser at Deutsche Bank , said .

  2. 不然结果可能会是失去的十年。

    The alternative is likely to be a lost decade .

  3. 美国和欧洲的储蓄者经历了一个失去的十年。

    FOR American and European savers it has been a lost decade .

  4. 日本失去的十年给了我们什么教训?

    What has Japan 's lost decade to teach us ?

  5. 这造成了拉丁美洲失去的十年。

    That caused a lost decade for Latin America .

  6. 在上世纪90年代失去的十年中,日本从未遭受过如此严重的通缩。

    It never suffered deflation this severe throughout the lost decade of the 1990s .

  7. 简而言之,失去的十年是眼下面临的重大风险。

    The big risk , in short , is now of a lost decade .

  8. 日本模式中“失去的十年”不会出现在中国不远的将来。

    Japan-style lost decade doesn 't appear to be in China 's immediate future .

  9. 第二个失去的十年也已开始。

    A second lost decade has begun .

  10. 如今,全球经济遭遇失去的十年的可能性无法排除。

    Today , it is impossible to rule out a lost decade for the world economy .

  11. 从历史上看,我们的经济要更加强劲有力,但我们仍有可能遭遇失去的十年,还有可能经历更多的衰退性触底。

    Our economy is historically more robust but we cannot rule out a lost decade , with the prospect of more recessionary dips .

  12. 总的看,日本经济社会发展经历了一个失去的十年,政府在政策应对上教训深刻。

    Totally , the development of Japanese social economy experienced a lost ten years , the government should have deep lessons on the policies .

  13. 调查结果不是这家受人尊敬的央行所希望或期待的&至少在价格持续下跌的失去的十年之后是如此。

    The results were not what the esteemed central bank wanted or expected – at least not after a lost decade of falling prices .

  14. 日元过度升值引起的通货紧缩,加之零利率的流动性陷阱,造成了20世纪90年代成为日本的失去的十年。

    The resulting deflation from the overvalued yen , coupled with a zero-interest liquidity trap , led to Japan 's lost decade of the 1990s .

  15. 即使2008-09年的政策努力成功阻止了金融崩溃,美国现在也仍走在通往失去的十年的途中。

    Even with the 2008-2009 policy effort that successfully prevented financial collapse , the United States is now half way to a lost economic decade .

  16. 它不仅有助于解释日本领导人在失去的十年所做的决策;还提供了一个有关退出战略的警示故事。

    Not only does it help explain the decisions that Tokyo leaders took during the lost decade ; it offers a cautionary tale about exit strategies .

  17. 拉丁美洲国家在1982年后经历了失去的十年,日本经济25年停滞不前。这些国家都挺过来了。

    Latin American countries suffered a lost decade after 1982 , and Japan has been stagnating for a quarter of a century ; both have survived .

  18. 流连于银座的概念店或新宿的摩天大楼的游客们,找不到这失去的十年的任何迹象尽管20世纪90年代以来,通货紧缩其实加剧了。

    Visitors to the concept stores of Ginza or the skyscrapers of Shinjuku will see no sign of a lost decade even though deflation has intensified since the 1990s .

  19. 克鲁格曼说,美国此次经济衰退所陷入的低谷是如此悲惨&“我们必须回顾日本的“失去的十年”作为美国未来的前景”参照。

    Krugman said the United States is caught in a post-recession trough so bleak that " we 're going to look at Japan 's'lost decade'as a success story " by comparison .

  20. 即便第一个“失去的十年”名副其实,冷静地看待过去的十多年日本的经济表现,“第二个失去的十年”则是一个名不副实的说法。

    Look dispassionately at Japan 's economic performance over the past ten years , though , and " the second lost decade ", if not the first , is a misnomer .

  21. 投资者愿意掏钱购买向某些欧元区政府借钱的特权,反映出市场担心欧元区可能面临一场日本那样的失去的十年式经济停滞。

    The phenomenon of investors paying for the privilege of lending money to some eurozone governments reflects markets ' concern that the region could be facing a Japan-style lost decade of economic stagnation .

  22. 但在中国国内,有一些声音却在谈论“失去的十年”,失落感日益深重,在城市中产阶层当中尤为如此,人们对房地产价格飞涨、环境污染和威权政府感到不满。

    But inside the country there is talk of a " lost decade " and increasing disillusionment , especially among the urban middle classes , over rising property prices , pollution and an overbearing state .

  23. 他的政治演讲有时让听众听不明白,因为他会引用美国民众不熟悉的内容。如第九任美国总统威廉•哈里森的就职演讲或者日本在“失去的十年”中的经济衰退情况。

    His stump speech can seem quite esoteric at times , with references to the inaugural speech of William Harrison , America 's ninth president , and to Japan 's " lost decade " of economic stagnation .

  24. 不过很显然,美国将动用一切政策手段,使经济回到增长轨道上,因此,日本式失去的十年应不会在北美上演。

    Yet it is clear that the US will leave no policy stone unturned in the attempt to put the economic show back on the road , so there should be no Japanese-style lost decade in North America .

  25. 20年前在阿根廷(当时南美刚刚经历了“失去的十年”),我所看到的是,这个移民国家的人民非常想回到过去,他们似乎认为自己上错了船——当初本应移民到美国。

    In Argentina 20 years ago , just after South America 's " lost decade , " I encountered a nation of nostalgic immigrants who seemed to feel they 'd got on the wrong boat . They should have gone to the US instead .

  26. 同样,在1960年代末到1970年代初,巴西经济增速曾创下世界之最,然而巴西经济奇迹随后迎来恶性通胀和一场债务危机,使巴西在1980年代经历了失去的十年。

    Likewise , in the late 1960s and early 1970s , Brazil logged some of the highest growth rates in the world - only to see the ' Brazlian economic miracle ' floored by runaway inflation and a debt crisis that turned the 1980s into a ' lost decade . '

  27. 私下里,她们称自己害怕失去在过去的十年里得到的少数权利。

    Privately , they say they fear losing the few rights they have gained in the past decade .