
  • 网络National Alliance;National Baseball League
  1. 虽然民主国民联盟进行了提前的竞选获胜庆祝,但还是有指责选举不公正的声音。

    Despite the early celebration from NLD supporters , there were allegations of voting irregularities .

  2. 在2008年选举中,这个反对派联盟从国民阵线联盟手中夺得的议席之多前所未有。

    The opposition alliance took an unprecedented number of seats from the National Front during 2008 polls .

  3. 马哈地二十二日在巫统年度大会结束时含泪宣布辞去巫统和执政联盟&国民阵线联盟主席职务,而令马来西亚举国震愕。

    On the22nd , at the conclusion of the UMNO annual congress , Mahathir announced in tears his resignation from UMNO and his presidency of the ruling Nasional coalition to a stunned malaysia .

  4. 同盟会,国民革命的联盟&关于同盟会的性质问题

    Tung-Meng Hui , an alliance of the national revolution & concerning the nature of the Tung-Meng Hui

  5. 他是非洲国民大会青年联盟的创始人之一,从年轻时就开始对抗种族隔离。

    He was a founding member of the Youth League of the African National Congress , combating apartheid at a young age .