
  1. 另一方面,哪怕只是在瞬间从耶稣基督的脸上看到上帝的荣耀的话,都会使人的心产生最强的真诚的爱神的感情。

    On the other hand , a glimpse of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ causes in the heart a supreme genuine love for God .

  2. 风流爷们儿和女人杀手的本质区别在于他会不遗余力地使女人(们)开心,哪怕只是短短的一瞬间。

    It differs from lady killer in the sense that he shows great interests in making them happy , at least for a while .

  3. 格林威治皇家天文台的天文学家爱德华布鲁默说:哪怕是最厚的云层也只是片刻的,而哪怕只是一瞬间暴露在毫无遮拦的阳光下,也会对视力造成伤害。

    Edward Bloomer , astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich , says : Even thick cloud cover is transitory , and even a very short exposure to unfiltered sunlight can permanently damage your vision .