
  1. BAT组织总蛋白各季节无显著差异,线粒体蛋白以春季最高,夏季最低,各季节之间有显著差异;

    For BAT , there was no significant difference in total protein content between seasons . There was , however , a significant difference in the mitochondrial protein content in BAT between seasons , and it was the highest in spring and the lowest in summer .

  2. 同时,Tf型与分娩季节之间有较强的互作效应。

    Furthermore , there was strong interactive effect between Tf genotypes and the breeding season .

  3. 小型底栖生物总丰度在季节之间差异显著(One-wayAnova,p0.01).涡虫、缓步动物丰度的季节变化规律与小型底栖动物总丰度相同,水螅、轮虫的丰度也是秋季最高。

    Abundance was highest in autumn and summer , and lowest in winter . There was significant difference among seasons ( One-Way ANOVA , p0.01 ) . Seasonal variation of abundance of Turbellaria and Tardigrada was the same as total meiofauna abundance .

  4. 利用抗补体法测定成年公牛精清抑制物(BSPI)的含量,以研究BSPI与精液品质、公牛年龄和季节之间的关系。

    By means of Anti-complement Assay , the concentration ( C ) of bovine seminal plasma inhibitor ( BSPI ) was measured to study its relationship to semen quality , bull age and seasons .

  5. 这两个季节之间的日子是非常单调的。

    The days connecting these seasons are monotonous .

  6. 牛精清抑制物含量及其与精液品质、年龄和季节之间的关系

    Bovine seminal plasma inhibitor and its relationship to semen quality , bull age and seasons

  7. 这些可能与较高和较低温度季节之间的饮食,水合作用、交感神经活性、或体育活动方面的差异有关。

    Possibilities include differences in diet , hydration , sympathetic activity , or physical activity between higher and lower temperature seasons .

  8. 然而在这里生存的最大挑战并不是寒冷,而是极端季节之间的变化。

    And yet , the greatest challenge survive here is not the cold , but the extreme swings between the seasons .

  9. 李伟庭是是惠州其中一名与海纳农业有限公司合作的农户,在种植季节之间在稻田里养鱼。

    Li Weiting is one of the farmers in Huizhou who has partnered with Haina Agriculture Company to raise fish in his rice paddy fields in-between cropping seasons .

  10. 秋季和冬季之间的相似性系数最高,夏季和冬季蝶类相似性系数最低,这与季节之间的气候差异性相关。

    The similarity coefficient between autumn and winter is the highest , between summer and winter is the lowest . These are related with the different seasons ' climate .

  11. 相同站位不同季节之间软体动物群落结构差异显著(p<0.05),并且存在显著的正相关关系(p<0.05)。

    The fall structure of same stations during different seasons is obviously different ( p < 0.05 ) and positive correlation with each other ( p < 0.05 ) .

  12. 行业高管表示,传统上,牛仔布工厂向牛仔服生产商供应布料的价格,在各年棉花收割季节之间是固定的,但他们现在开始涨价了,有时是逐周、甚至逐日涨价。

    Denim mills , which have traditionally fixed fabric prices for manufacturers between annual cotton harvests , have begun raising prices , sometimes on a week-to-week or even a day-to-day basis , according to industry executives .

  13. 分析表明,小麦生物量和气温与土壤&小麦系统CO2排放季节变化之间存在显著的相关关系。

    Analyses showed that there were significant relation between CO_2 emission flux and wheat biomass and air temperature .

  14. 褪黑激素受体基因的多态性及其与繁殖季节性之间关系的研究进展

    Advance of the Relationship between Melatonin Receptor Gene and Reproductive Seasonality

  15. 文中采用实际观测资料研究了西风廓线特征与大气环流型季节特征之间的联系。

    The connection between profile characteristics of the westerlies and seasonal characters of atmospheric circulation pattern are studied used observation data .

  16. 通过分析揭示了农业活动强烈扰动下,短时间尺度岩溶地下水的变化规律以及地下水质与农忙季节变化之间的响应关系。

    The analysis revealed a strong disturbance of agricultural activities in the short time scale , to the variation of karst groundwater quality . 4 .

  17. 附植动物的总丰度和生物量与环境因子的季节变化之间没有显著的相关性,但是线虫的丰度与温度和溶解氧都有相关性。

    Abundance and biomass of phytal fauna had no significant correlation with environmental factors , but the abundance of nematodes are significantly correlated with temperature and DO .

  18. 着重讨论了中期以上几种周期振荡(40天、26天、13天)的分布特征及位相传播。并且分析了40天周期振荡与大气环流和海况季节转变之间的联系。

    The distribution and the phase propagation of several periodic oscillations ( 40 day , 26.7 day and 13.3 day ) are discussed , and the correlation between the different periods in the different region and the weather system is also analysed .

  19. 部分线性模型是由Engle,Granger,Rice和Weiss(1986)在研究居民用电与其收入及季节等变量之间的关系这一实际问题时提出的。

    Engle , Granger , Rice and Weiss ( 1986 ) were among the first to consider the partially linear model , when they analyzed the relationship between temperature and electricity usage .

  20. 更有效的能源储存方式可以使用户弥补夏冬季节能源供需之间的缺口。

    More efficient forms of energy storage will enable the user to bridge the gap between summer supply and winter demand .

  21. 结果显示甲硫醇的嗅阈在不同的季节和性别之间差别无显著意义,其嗅觉阈为3.7ug/m~3。

    The results indicated that the differences of the threshold values were not statistically significant between season or by sex . The odor threshold of methylmercaptan is 3.7 μ g / M_3 .

  22. 油茶叶片中叶绿素的含量在各季节和各品种之间均无差异。

    The content of chlorophyll has no difference among varieties and seasons .

  23. 结论流行季节注意家庭成员之间交叉感染的防护及进行有效的序贯治疗。

    Conclusion Between the popular season we should attention family member cross infection 's protection and carry on the effective sequential treatment .

  24. 对桤木人工林细根、土壤养分含量的季节变化及其两者之间的关系进行了研究。

    This paper made a dynamic study of the seasonal variation of nutrient elements in the fine roots and soil from Alnus cremastogyme Burk plantations , and of the relationship between them .

  25. 他们尤其考量了位于底层永久冻结土壤和上层季节性冻结土壤之间的居间不冻层的形成。

    They looked in particular at the creation of " taliks ", which are patches of unfrozen ground sandwiched between layers of permanently frozen soil lower down and a seasonally frozen patch of soil above .

  26. 五行与五脏的配属有古、今文说之异。结果各季节术后发热均超过50%,季节之间发热百分比无显著性差异(P>005);

    The results showed that the morbidity of PF was above 50 % in all the four seasons and there was no significant difference between any of two seasons ( P > 0 05 );

  27. 除大豆地外,其他作物生长季节和休耕地的N2O排放通量季节变化与温度之间均存在一定程度的正相关性,其中冬春季休耕地的N2O排放通量与温度间存在弱指数函数关系。

    Apart from that from the soybean field , N 2O fluxes from the crop fields and fallow land were positively related with the temperature , and N 2O fluxes from the fallow land in spring and winter were in exponential function with the temperature .

  28. 目前我国所有具有季节因素的时间序列均没有进行季节调整,消除季节之间不可比因素的一个主要方法仍是与上年度同期数据进行比较得到的同比指数。

    But all of our time series with seasonal factors have not been seasonally adjusted . One of the main methods to remove incomparability of seasonal factors is using the index over the same period of last year .

  29. 单变量双因素方差分析表明,不同季节、不同生境的海洋线虫的物种数有显著差异,季节×生境之间的海洋线虫的物种数没有显著差异。

    Univariate Two-way ANOVA tests showed that there were highly significant differences among different seasons and among different habitats .

  30. 黄体期卵巢表面可视性卵泡数量较卵泡期的少,变化规律同卵泡期卵巢,在各季节中原始卵泡、初级卵泡和次级卵泡受季节的影响小,各季节之间的差异不显著。

    The effect of season on the number of primordial , primary follicle and secondary follicle was not notable , it was no significant difference among seasons .