
  1. 确定地球上某个位置的经度和纬度坐标的最低需求是,你至少能够看到星星和太阳,并具备一个六分仪和能够显示GMT时间的时钟T。

    To define latitude and longitude coordinates for a location on the Earth , at minimum , you must be able to see the stars or the Sun and have a sextant and clock that displays time in GMT.

  2. 我们在星星和太阳底下漫游。

    Neath stars and sun we wandered .

  3. 月亮、星星和太阳常被海员们用来确定海上的经纬度。

    The Moon , the stars and the Sun are made use of by the seamen to find their latitude and longitude at sea .

  4. 星星、月亮和太阳的纹章装点了那面圣洁的墙(G.K.切斯特顿)

    The stars and moons and suns blazoned on that sacred wall ( G.K. Chesterton )