
  • 网络Wu Jun;iG.Edison
  1. 由于吴军涂了药,不怕水,所以打败了越军。

    Because the Wu soldiers had used that medicine and wasn 't bothered by water , they defeated the Yue army .

  2. 吴军因为有了这个秘方,全军上下没有一个人手脚冻裂。

    As the Wu army had this secret prescription , not a single soldier in the army suffered from frostbite of hands or feet .

  3. 同时,黄盖装作吴国的叛徒,企图将吴军的顶级机密告诉曹操。

    In the mean time , Huang Gai faked himself a turncoat , seeking giving top secret of Wu 's army to Cao Cao .

  4. 但据加州拉荷亚索尔克研究所的生物学家吴军(音译)说,胚胎中只有大约十万分之一的细胞是人类细胞。

    But according to Jun Wu , a biologist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla , California , only about 1 in 100000 cells in the fetuses were human .

  5. 导游吴军正在跟领队汉斯先生交代在海关检查处该做些什么。旅行社的导游吴军正准备带领旅行团从机场往酒店去。

    The tour guide , Wu Jun , is telling the group leader , Mr. Hans , what has to be done at the Customs Office . Wu Jun , the guide from the Travel Service , is taking the party of tourists from the airport to the hotel .

  6. 起义军在与隋军不断的战斗中,分并离合,形成了三支较强大的力量,即中部李密领导的瓦岗军,北部窦建德领导的夏军和南部杜伏威领导的吴军。

    During the battle with the Sui army , the rebellious peasants gradually fell into three main forces : the Wagang Army in the central of the country led by Li Mi , the Xia Army in the north led by Dou Jiande and the Wu Army in the south led by Du Fuwei .