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Zhào Gāo
  • eunuch who conspired with Li Si to influence the succession to the First Emperor
  1. 于是,赵高知道了谁敢反对他,后来就找机会把说实话的人都杀了。

    Later he found excuses and had those who were against him killed .

  2. 后来,赵高设法把那些不赞同他的人都害死了。

    Later , Zhao Gao managed to have those who disagreed with him killed by tricks .

  3. 赵高转身问其他官员这是马还是鹿。

    Then Zhao Gao turned to other officials and asked them whether it was a horse .

  4. 事后,赵高通过各种手段把那些不顺从自己的正直大臣纷纷治罪,甚至满门抄斩。

    After that , Zhaogao imprisioned those righteous ministers who did not obey him or even killed their families .

  5. 公元前209年始皇帝驾崩,李斯卷人了宦官赵高取消正当继位的阴谋。

    When the emperor died in 209 B. C. , Li became involved in the eunuch Zhao Kao 's plot to void the proper succession .

  6. 不久,为了巩固他的皇位,在赵高的建议下,年轻的皇帝杀了他的其他十二个兄弟和十个姐妹。

    Later the young emperor killed all his remaining twelve brothers and ten sisters on the suggestion of Zhao Gao in order to consolidate his position .

  7. 赵高面不改色心不跳地说:请陛下看清楚,这的确是一匹千里马。

    Remaining calm , Zhao Gao said : Will your Majesty please see more clearly ? This really is a horse that covers a thousand li a day .

  8. 便笑着对赵高说:丞相搞错了,这里一只鹿,你怎么说是马呢?

    So he said smilingly to Zhao Gao : Mister Prime Minister , you are wrong . This is a stay . Why do you say it is a horse ?

  9. 当看到赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着每个人的时候,大臣们忽然明白了他的用意。

    But when they saw the sinister smile on Zhao Gao 's face and his two rolling eyes which were gazing at each of them , they suddenly understood his evil intentions .

  10. 但是,秦二世昏庸无道,听信奸臣赵高,致使人民不满,各地纷纷起来反抗。前二零九年,陈胜、吴广起义;

    However , Qin II fatuity No Road , listen to a traitor Zhao , with the result that people dissatisfied with their resistance throughout.20 nine years ago , Chen Sheng , Wu uprising ;

  11. 不久,赵高又杀掉秦二世,取消皇帝称号,另立二世之侄子婴为秦王。

    Shortly , Zhao Gao forced Huhai to commit suicide and replaced him with his nephew , Ziying . The title of Emperor was abolished and what Ziying assumed was " King of Qin . "

  12. 大臣们都被赵高的一派胡言搞得不知所措,私下里嘀咕:这个赵高搞什么名堂?是鹿是马这不是明摆着吗!

    The nonsense of Zhao Gao made the ministers totally at a lose , and they whispered to themselves : What tricks was Zhao Gao playing ? Was it not obvious whether it was a stag or a horse ?

  13. 他死后不久,一名奸诈的太监赵高,诱使秦始皇的幼子胡亥杀了长兄&皇位的继承人,并帮助他成为了皇帝。

    Shortly after his death , a treacherous eunuch named Zhao Gao enticed Huhai , the emperor 's youngest son , to kill his eldest brother , the successor to the throne , and helped him to become emperor .

  14. 宰相赵高等人为了让胡亥能争到皇位的继承权,在秦始皇死后秘不发丧。

    The prime minister Zhao Gao and some other officials who wanted to help the younger son of the emperor Hu Hai to succeed to the throne in the power struggles in the palace decided to keep the emperor 's death a secret for the time being .

  15. 太监赵高和丞相李斯合谋篡改遗诏,声称秦始皇命太子扶苏自尽,由其弟胡亥继位。

    The eunuch Zhao Gao and chancellor Li Si conspired to forge the emperor " s will , declaring that the emperor ordered Fusu , the crown prince , to commit suicide , and his younger brother Hu Hai , the emperor 's favorite , to succeed to the throne .