
  1. 宁夏吴忠市农村婴儿死亡影响因素的多元Logistic回归分析

    Analysis of risk factors on infant death in the villages of Wuzhong town , ningxia by conditional logistic regression model

  2. 基于3S技术编制大比例尺土壤养分图方法研究&以吴忠国家农业科技园区为例

    3S-based large-scale soil nutrients mapping research & Taking Wuzhong State Agro-Hi-Tech Zone as an example

  3. 应用射线追踪方法进行震源参数和速度结构联合反演,对宁夏吴忠、灵武地区地壳中上部P波速度结构进行了研究。

    P wave velocity structure of the upper and middle crust in the Wuzhong Lingwu region is studied using the methods of ray tracing and the joint inversion of hypocentral parameters and velocity structure .

  4. 吴忠市社区人群心理、行为及生化指标与高血压患病的关联性

    Relevance of Psychological Stress , Behavior and biochemical indicators with Hypertension

  5. 这座大桥是黄河上最长的大桥吴忠黄河特大桥钻孔桩水中平台施工

    The Construction of Bored Pile Underwater Platform of Wuzhong Huanghe Bridge

  6. 吴忠市区有线电视网络升级改造的设计

    The Design of CATV Network Upgrade Reform in Wuzhong City

  7. 吴忠市新灌区生态经济类型

    Eco-economic Type of New Irrigated Area in Wuzhong City

  8. 吴忠市回、汉族中小学生超重肥胖现况调查

    Investigation of overweight and obesity in schoolchildren of hui and han of Wuzhong

  9. 吴忠地区中小学生早餐质量及饮食行为调查

    Survey on the Dietary Behaviors and Breakfast Quality of School Students in Wuzhong

  10. 2007年吴忠地区中小学生营养状况及贫血的调查

    Investigation on the nutritional status and iron deficiency anemia of students in Wuzhong

  11. 吴忠宾馆整体平移工程设计与实施

    Monolithic Shift Design and Practice of Wuzhong Hotel

  12. 吴忠、灵武地区地壳中上部速度结构

    The velocity structure of the upper and middle crust in the Wuzhong Lingwu region

  13. 光纤传感器在吴忠黄河大桥施工监测中的应用

    Application of Optical Fiber Sensor to Construction Supervision of Yellow River Bridge in Wu-Zhong County

  14. 转移概率及最大转移概率预报方法在吴忠市霜冻预报中的应用

    The Application of Predication Method of Conversion Probability and Maximum Conversion Probability in Frost Forecast in Wuzhong City

  15. 吴忠市回汉族孕妇骨代谢相关生化指标测定比较及临床意义

    The determination and clinical connotation of the biochemistry target of bone metabolism for pregnant woman in Wuzhong city

  16. 吴忠、灵武地区地震的精确定位和中强地震的发震构造

    Accurate location of earthquakes in Wuzhong and Lingwu regions and the seismogenic tectonics of moderate earthquakes in these regions

  17. 本文系对宁夏吴忠市162头乳牛高蛋白质和精料型饲养与乳牛消化道疾病关系的调查报告。

    This paper reported the relationship between high protein and concentrated feed and the disease in alimentary canal of cow .

  18. 吴忠的副市长因他座驾开上窄桥迫使桥上一13岁女孩堕水,且见死不救而被革职。

    Wuzhong s deputy mayor was fired after his motorcade forced a13-year-old girl off a narrow bridge and he then watched her drown .

  19. 中小企业融资困境与民间金融发展&以宁夏回族自治区吴忠市为例

    On Minor Enterprises ' Difficult Financing Position and Non-governmental Financial Development Reflected by the Case of Wuzhong City of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  20. 负责处理该案的吴忠警方表示,包括王鹏在内的所有人都有权检举舞弊行为,维护公平正义,目前警方正在就此案件进行深入调查。

    Wuzhong police officials say people , including Wang , have the right to report fraud to maintain justice and are investigating his case further .

  21. 对宁夏回族自治区吴忠市城乡高血压流行病学抽样普查24260人的结果提示:该市高血压确诊标化患病率为5.43%(临界标化患病率为5.03%)。

    A sampling mass screening epidemiological survey of hypertension was made among 24,260 urban and suburban residents of Wuzhong City , Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region .

  22. 初步确定吴忠市污水处理厂的模拟流程,进行了稳态和非稳态模拟分析。

    The elementary simulation process of Wuzhong Wastewater Treatment Plant was confirmed , and the steady state and the unsteady state 's simulation analysis was made .

  23. 详细介绍了吴忠黄河大桥水中18墩基础施工,包括平台搭设、钻孔桩施工工艺、双壁钢围堰制作、拼装、下沉及封底的全过程。

    The paper introduced 18 # pier foundation construction of Wuzhong Yellow River Bridge Deepwater , including the whole procedure of platform fixing , bored pile construction technology etc.

  24. 结合箱式变电站在吴忠市区城网建设与改造中的应用情况,就箱式变电站的结构、特点以及箱式变电站和传统供电方式的应用进行了分析和比较。

    Combining reconstruction of Wuzhong urban distribution network , analyses the characteristic and frame of box transformer substation , and compares the application of box transformer substation with tradition power supply fashion .

  25. 本文研究了宁夏北部(青铜峡、吴忠以北)地区近二十年来垂直形变场的演变特征,并与陕西关中地区垂直形变进行了定性、定量比较。

    This paper analyses the evolutional characteristics of recent 20 years vertical deformation field in the northern Ningxia autonomous region , and gives the qualitative and quantitative compare with vertical deformation in Guanzhong area .

  26. 通过对模型的推广应用,吴忠电信运用信用等级加强客户管理,节省了大量人力资源,欠费回收得到大幅提升,客户感知进一步提高。

    Through the popularization and application of the model , the use of credit rating Wuzhong telecommunications to enhance customer management , saving a great deal of human resources , arrears recovery has been substantially enhanced to further improve customer perception .

  27. 针对吴忠市污水处理厂具体情况,给出了污泥回流比和混合液回流率的控制策略,其结果对吴忠市污水处理厂的运行管理有一定的指导意义。

    The control strategy of the activated sludge circumfluence percent and the mixture liquid circumfluence percent was made according to the idiographic instance of Wuzhong Wastewater Treatment Plant , the result was beneficial to production and management of Wuzhong Wastewater Treatment Plant .

  28. 地处宁夏平原南部的吴忠市是一个回族聚居区,吴忠的城市化进程对回族穆斯林的传统生活方式和宗教行为产生了一定的影响。

    Located in the southern plains of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region , Wuzhong city is an assembling area of the Hui . Its urbanization has been definitely exerting much influence upon the traditional life style and religious activities of the Hui Muslims .

  29. 以宁夏自治区吴忠市中卫县的发展规划为例,探讨了西部小城镇发展规划的特点及应该注意的问题。

    With the developing and planning of Zhongwei county of Wuzhong city in NingXia province as an example , the auther inquires into the characteristics of the developing and planning of towns in the west and the problems we should pay attention to .

  30. 2006年3月号的《建筑》下半月刊法律板块刊发了题为《零利润工程还是陷阱工程》的新闻调查,首次披露了吴忠市民居工程拖欠工程款的真相。

    He news investigation titled Zero Profit Project or Trap Project published in the law board of Construction in the latter half of March of the year 2006 , revealing the truth of default of construction payment for Resident Project of Wuzhong City for the first time .