
tónɡ qì
  • have the same tastes/sentiments
同气 [tóng qì]
  • [of the same breath] 有血缘关系的亲属,此指同胞兄弟

  • 宽其同气之罪。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  1. 对涡轮流量计在模拟井中水平条件下获取的实验数据从不同气流量、同一含水率下的油水总流量与涡轮响应的关系;

    The response of turbine flowmeter to oil-water-gas triphase flow rate is experimented in horizontal well models .

  2. 过去20年我国黑龙江省主要粮食作物种植格局变化同气侯变暖之间的关系

    Relationship between Change of Main Grain Crops ' Structure and Global Warming in Heilongjiang Province in the Past Two Decades

  3. 结论:四脉同气针法作为针灸手法的一种,对治疗急性腰扭伤也具有确切的疗效,且能够快速而有效地缓解患者的疼痛,并扩大腰部活动的范围。

    Conclusion : Si-Mai-Tong-Qi acupuncture therapy has the exact effect . It can relief patients of pain fast and effectively and expand the scope of activity .

  4. 你们就应彼此意见一致,同气相爱,同心合意,思念同样的事,以满全我的喜乐。

    Fulfill ye my joy , that you may be of one mind , having the same charity , being of one accord , agreeing in sentiment .

  5. 天人感应、同类相感、同气相应等基本思维模式成为风水活动感情的基石。

    Interaction of heaven and man , which are similar , with the gas corresponding basic thinking mode and becomes the cornerstone of system of Feng Shui theory .

  6. 再次,身体与世界的一体同气关系,使理解人体成为理解世界的便捷方式,也使以身体为范式重构美的自然和艺术成为可能。

    Third , the unity between body and the world makes the understanding of body an easiest access to the world , and also makes possible the reconstruction of the natural beauty and art .

  7. 含EBT、胺菊脂及氯菊酯的杀虫混剂同柱气相色谱分析方法研究

    Determination on the Same Column for Mixed Formulation Contained EBT , Tetramethrin , Permethrin By Gas Chromatography

  8. 提出了关于扫气效率同扫气过量空气系数之间关系的修改数学模型及应用概率统计理论确定数学模型中参数b1和b2的方法。

    A correcting of the mathematical model indicating the relation between the scavenging efficiency and the scavenging ratio has put forward . A method has also been elicited by which the parameter of the given model b1 and b2 has been prescribed in the light of probability theory .

  9. 解决气田水的出路,同采气生产和环境保护直接有关。

    The disposal of gas field water is directly relative to gas production and environment protection .

  10. 为三个典型气藏进一步开采及同类型气藏的开发提供了理论依据和研究方法。

    The theoretical basis and method are provided for developing these three typical gas reservoirs further and the similar type of gas reservoirs .

  11. 测试了在同一余气系数α、不同填充系数β下的爆震波压力,并对其变化进行了分析。

    Under same excess coefficient α, and various filling coefficients β, the detonation pressures are measured , and the factors influencing detonation pressures are analyzed .

  12. 发展燃气电厂和扩大天然气应用是能源结构调整战略中的重要组成部分,采取合理有效措施协调燃气电厂运行同天然气调峰之间的矛盾是其中的关键。

    It is the key among them to take the rational effective measure to get balance between the operation of electric power plants of gas fuel and adjusting the peak with gas .

  13. 分析实验结果发现,在同一余气系数下,爆震室长度一定时,随着填充系数的减小,爆震波压力降低,使脉冲爆震发动机模型性能下降。

    The experimental results have shown that for a given length of PDE model detonation wave pressures decrease and the performance of PDE model become worse with falling of filling coefficients ratio under the same excess coefficient .

  14. 塔里木盆地为一多成藏系统盆地,同一含油气系统往往存在多个成藏系统。

    Quantitative evaluation of the gas reservoir formation system of Jurassic-Tertiary in Kuche Depression ;

  15. 泥岩盖层中孔隙流体压力同下伏气藏压力值很接近;

    The fluid pressure in mudstone pores approximately equals to the pressure in gas reservoir below ;

  16. 同煤炭天然气一样便宜的太阳能将在这个年代结束之前就能实现

    Solar energy as cheap as coal and natural gas generations before the end of this decade .

  17. 同一般天然气燃烧器相比,这种燃烧器既能产生二段燃烧,又能促进一定量的烟气回流。

    Compared with other natural gas combustor , this combustor can generate the second combustion and form circumfluence of smoke .

  18. 该技术可以在同一煤层气勘探井内,在不同煤层内完成多个径向水平钻孔。

    The technology can make several radial horizontal bores at different coal formations in the same exploration well of coal-bed methane .

  19. 采用上述结构后,解决了同一个气嘴不能分别对美嘴、英嘴或法嘴气门进行充气的问题;

    Adopting the above structure , the problem that one nozzle can not respectively inflate valves with American nozzle , English nozzle and Rrench nozzle is solved ;

  20. 该系统同电动、气动或油压工具相比,具有诸多独特的优势,在海洋开发、船舶工程等领域均有广阔的应用前景。

    Compared with tool system driven by oil hydraulics or pneumatics , this kind of tool system has many advantages and has broad applications in ocean exploitation and shipping engineering .

  21. 在同一个气水比的条件下,聚氨酯滤池的效能要好于生物陶粒滤池。(4)探讨了两BAFsss的运行特性以及反冲洗对两BAFsss的运行效能的影响。

    Under the same air-water ratio the performance of new polyurethane sponge BAF was better than biological granular ceramic BAF . ( 4 ) Characteristics of operation of the two BAFs and influence of backwashing on filter performances were discussed .

  22. 同一含油气盆地内,有利区带(凹陷)勘探程度较高,发现了相当数量的油气田和含油气构造,而油气条件较差的坳(凹)陷,勘探程度较低。

    For example , a favorable play ( depression ) has high exploration degree and a large number of oil gas fields and oil bearing structures have been discovered there , while a poor play ( depression ) has a low exploration degree in the same basin .

  23. 本文以四种培养基,对同一A型产气荚膜杆菌分离株G3的生长曲线和培养液pH值变化进行了测定,并比较了四种培养基的产毒效果。

    In this paper , four kinds of culture media are used in detecting growth curve of isolating strain G3 of Clostridium perfringens type A and pH variety of culture solutions , thus compare producing toxins efficiency of this strain in above different culture media by detecting .

  24. 气水同产井采气工艺在川西气田开发中的实践与认识

    The practice and cognition of gas production technology in gas well with water in West Sichuan Gas Field

  25. 波兰在克林姆林宫心中的重要性同其国内页岩气的前景一样在不断的提升。

    The importance of Poland in the Kremlin 's eyes has grown along with the prospects of shale gas in the country .

  26. 地幔柱同构造盆地油气系统,巨量岩浆的快速成溢流导致地壳的快速沉降,形成同构造热盆地,具有油气前景;

    The oil-gas system developed in syntectonic basins and associated with rapid dipping of crust induced by huge quantity of magma eruption from mantle plumes ;

  27. 通过对改造前后同钢种的天然气消耗数据对比分析,燃气单耗下降明显。

    By the analysis of natural gas consumption data which is based on the contrast of the same grade steel before and after rebuilding , the natural gas unit consumption reduced sharply .

  28. 目前设计气举井都是基于稳态流动条件设计,往往不能达到同单点注气、稳定以及高效生产那样令人满意的生产动态。

    At present , gas-lift designs are based on steady state flow , which normally can 't obtain the same satisfying production performance as single-point gas injection , stable production and high efficiency .

  29. 论文通过对板桥凝析气田实际资料的研究,得到了定容、弱水驱和强水驱气井的停喷压力计算公式,对同类型凝析气藏具有重要的参考价值。

    In this paper , formula of calculating pressure when flowing stops that are suitable for wells of constant volume , weak water-flooding and strong water-flooding wells have been proposed through research on actual data of Banqiao condensate gas reservoirs .

  30. 讨论了由同一气源、同一条输气管道供气的多城市输配系统的联合季调峰。

    The joint seasonal peak-shaving of natural gas transmission and distribution systems from the same gas source through the same transmission pipeline in multiple cities is discussed .