- reduce phlegm

[reduce phlegm] 消解痰涎。依据生痰的病因,化痰法约分六种:宣肺化痰,清热化痰,润肺化痰,燥湿化痰,祛寒化痰,治风化痰
Miao Nationality 's Relieve Cough and Reduce Phlegm Herb interfere the levels of IL-8 and TNF - α in the COPD sufferer serum
Anti-infection , reduce phlegm and hemostasis are the main treatment during the acute phase .
Determination of Morphine in Juhong Huatan Capsules by HPLC
A significant reduction in the substance P. The treatment group was significantly better than the control group , western medicine alone .
Clinical Study of Qingyuan Huatan Granule in Treating COPD
Determination of three components in Qingfei Huatan Pill by RP-HPLC
1.2 To studying the therapeutic mechanism of the method of YIQI HUOXUE HUATAN to treat COPD .
Study on Regulation Mechanism of Warming Yang , Supplementing Heart , Promoting Blood Circulation and Resolving Phlegm Therapy on NF - κ B Signal Transduction Pathway in Myocardial Ischemic Reperfusion Injury
Chinese medicine of invigorating the kidney and resolving phlegm could effectively improve the inhibin B levels in patients with PCOS . 3 .
Serums gastrin level heighten significantly after treatment in both groups ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.0l ) , no significant difference between groups after treatment ( P > 0.05 ) .
Effect of Kidney-invigorating , Sputum-eliminating and Blood-activating Drugs on Expression of Cytokines and Bone Marrow CD_ ( 34 ) ~ + in Aplastic Anemia Mice
The Influence of Wind and Phlegm-removing Acupuncture on TCD in Pseudobulbar Paralysis Patients of Wind-phlegm Type
Study on Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Ovary Tissues Pathology of PCOS Model Rat
This study observed the clinical efficacy of Bushen Jianpi Huatan Decoction in the adolescent PCOS patients .
Effects of Kidney-Tonifying , Phlegm-Resolving and Blood-Stasis-Removing and Their Compounds on LPO , SOD and Immune Function of Erythrocytes in Senile Hyperlipemia
Effect of Removing Blood Stasis and Resolving Phlegm Prescription on Serum NO Content and NOS Activity in Rat with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver
ObjectiveTo explore the etiological factor and effect of replenishing kidney-essence , remove phlegm and promoting blood circulation therapy on treating Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) in theory .
Effects of Drug Reducing Phlegm and Resolving Masses on Intracellular cAMP and cGMP Concentration of SPC-A1 Cell
Influence of Zhong Feng Zao Bei Hua Tan Jiao Nang on the Expression of Caspase-3 in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Effect of Chinese prescription base on Regulating Qi to dissipate blood stasis and phlegm method on expression of nf - κ b and I κ b α in liver tissure of rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver
Fifty-one patients of cerebral hemorrhage were observed on controlled study which were treated with the Zhu-Yu Hua-Tan Decoction ( ZYHTD ) and Western medicine .
Determination of glycyrrhizinate in Chuanbei Zhisou Mixture by HPLC Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .
Effects of Regulating Qi to Dissipate Blood Stasis and Phlegm on Serum Levels of TNF - α and CRP in Rats with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Effects and Mechanisms of Calming Liver , Removing Blood Stasis and Dissipating Phlegm Therapies on Hypertension Related Myocardial Fibrosis
The Effect of Nourishing-kidney-and-dissolving-phlegm Drug on the Content of CGRP and ET-1 in Blood Plasma and BALF of Smoking-fumigating Chronic Bronchitis Rat Model
Objective : Cortex Mori was the root bark of mulberry tree and has been used as an antiphlogistic , diuretic , and expectorant in herbal medicine .
Objective : To study the content change of ET-1 and CGRP in smoke-fumigating rat chronic bronchitis model 's blood and plasma and BALF .
OTC cough and cold products include decongestants , expectorants , antihistamines , and antitussives ( cough suppressants ) for the treatment of colds .
A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung
Result : Nourishing-kidney-and-dissolving-phlegm Chinese medicine can decrease considerably the content of ET-1 and CGRP of blood plasma and BALF of chronic bronchitis rat model .