
  • 网络chemical warfare agents;CWA;cwas
  1. 本文研究了质量敏感型压电化学传感器这一广泛应用于化学战剂检测领域的热点问题。

    The dissertation focused on the mass-sensitive piezoelectric sensors , which have been widely used as detections of CWA .

  2. 毒剂的生化分析技术SAW技术在有机硫化学战剂检测中的研究

    Studying on the and Application of SAW Technology in Detection of Organosulfur Chemical Warfare Agents

  3. 运用GC、GC/MS-SIM技术测定水和粮食中七种化学战剂

    Application of gc 、 gc / ms-sim to detection of seven chemical warfare agents in water and corns

  4. 臭氧洗消化学战剂模拟剂DPCP试验研究

    Experimental study on decontamination of stimulant of chemical warfare agent DPCP by ozone

  5. 有机磷化合物(organophosphoruscompounds,OPs)不仅在农业生产中,被广泛应用于杀虫剂和除草剂,还可在军事中用作化学战剂,对生态环境、人身和社会安全构成了严重威胁。

    Organophosphorus compounds ( OPs ) have been not only used as pesticides and herbicides in current agriculture , but also used as chemical warfare agents , becoming a serious threat to ecological environment , personal and social security .

  6. 在第二次世界大战以前及大战期间,Schrader小组致力于发展化学战剂。

    Prior to and during World War II , the efforts of Schrader 's group were directed toward the development of chemical-warfare agents .

  7. 公元前202年西皮奥在第二次迦太基战争决定性战胜汉尼拔的战斗。在第二次世界大战以前及大战期间,Schrader小组致力于发展化学战剂。

    The battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War . Prior to and during World War II , the efforts of Schrader 's group were directed toward the development of chemical-warfare agents .

  8. 水中化学战剂水解产物的分析鉴定

    Identification of chemical warfare agents and their hydrolysis products in water

  9. 化学战剂的分析测试进展

    The Progress of the Analytic Testing of Chemical War Agents

  10. 声表面波技术在检测有机硫化学战剂中的应用研究

    Study on the Detection of organosulfur agents by Surface Acoustic Wave Technology

  11. 水和粮食中化学战剂的分析

    Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents in Water and Grain

  12. 活性炭吸附化学战剂&沙林染毒水的试验研究

    Treatment of chemical warfare reagent & sarin contained water by adsorption of activated carbon

  13. 为了研究染毒粮食(大米、面粉)中7种化学战剂的检测方法,建立了相应的气相色谱分析方法。

    A gas chromatographic method for determining 7 chemical warfare agents in contaminated grain was established .

  14. 反恐怖活动及生物和化学战剂的检测

    Antiterrorism Fast and Field Detection of Biological and Chemical Agents Bio chemical Methods for the Detection of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents

  15. 拉吉尔是名才能卓越的菁英炼金术士,他受到铁卫军的雇用,以研制对抗天谴军的新式化学战剂为职。

    An elite alchemist of the highest caliber , Razzil was employed by the Sentinel to develop new experimental chemical weapons against the Scourge .

  16. 有观点认为症状持久的海湾战争疾病可能与接触低剂量的化学战剂有关。

    There are suggestions that gulf war illness ; in which symptoms are long-lasting , may be related to exposure to low-dose chemical warfare agents .

  17. 本文采用选择性渗透膜作为生物化学战剂防护材料的主体,对薄膜成型加工过程、传质机理、防护机理等方面进行了系统研究。

    Using selectively permeable membrane as the principal protective material , this thesis extensively studied and established the membrane processing , mass transport model , and protection mechanisms .

  18. 氢氰酸是速杀性化学战剂,能强烈抑制细胞呼吸链功能,造成组织氧利用障碍和能量产生减少。

    Hydrocyanic acid is a fast-killing chemical warfare agent , which can strongly inhibit cell respiratory chain function , causing obstacles to the use of oxygen and generate energy reduction .

  19. 依据化学武器公约的内容,对各类化学战剂和它们的降解产物的分析检测已成为毒剂核查的关键内容。

    The analysis of chemical warfare agents and their degradation products is an important component of verification in support of the Chemical Weapons Convention .