
  • 网络Package Design
  1. 上海人民印刷八厂包装装潢作品选登

    Package Design Works from the No.8 People 's Printing Plant , Shanghai

  2. 上海美术设计公司包装装潢作品选登

    Selected works of package design from Shanghai Art Designing Corp

  3. CAD技术在包装装潢设计领域的应用

    Application of CAD Techniques for Designing of Packaging Decoration

  4. 基于MATLAB对包装装潢图像压缩的研究

    Research on MATLAB for Compressing Packaging Images

  5. 包装装潢设计方案综合评价AHP模型

    AHP Model of Comprehensive Evaluation of packaging Decoration Scheme

  6. 本文讲述了包装装潢设计的特点,包装CAD组件的定义以及这些组件的属性和特点。

    This article recounts characteristics of packaging upholster design , definition , attribute and characteristic of packaging CAD subassembly .

  7. 文中介绍了MATLAB的优点,以及利用它的小波工具箱来压缩包装装潢图像。

    The text introduces the advantages of MATLAB , and uses its wavelet toolbox to compress packaging images .

  8. WPSOffice办公软件包装装潢设计

    Packaging Design of " WPS Office " Software

  9. 从社会需求分析包装装潢和包装工程的人才培养

    Discussing People Training for Packaging Engineering and Decoration from Social Needs

  10. 第3届中南星奖包装装潢设计评比展览会金银奖作品选登

    Works from the Third Middle South Star Competition for Package Design

  11. 谈名优卷烟的包装装潢设计

    On the Packaging Design of Famous Brand and High Quality Cigarettes

  12. 包装装潢图案的色彩处理

    Color Processing in Packaging Decoration From Pattern to Art Design

  13. 就包装装潢的主要印刷工艺,分析了各自的优势条件;

    The superiority conditions of main printing processes for packaging decoration wereanalysed ;

  14. 知识经济时代的现代包装装潢设计

    Modern Packaging Decorative Design in the Age of Knowledge Economy

  15. 论述了镂空设计运用于包装装潢之中,主要包含2个方面的内容:一是直接在包装造型上进行开口设计;

    " Hollow out " design is often used in packaging design .

  16. 现代商品包装装潢版式的简约性设计

    Discussion on the contracted design of modern commodity 's package upholstering format

  17. 论食品包装装潢的民族性与时代性

    The Nationality and the Times That the Food Packaging Decoration

  18. 包装装潢与造型的形式美&海洋风味餐具的设计

    The form that packing decorate is with the shape beautiful

  19. 商品包装装潢设计的依据

    On Basis of The Graphics and Design for Commodity Packaging

  20. 简论包装装潢色彩软标准的作用

    Function of the " Soft Standard " in the Packaging Decorative Color

  21. 分形图形在包装装潢中的研究

    Research and Applications of Fractal Graphics in Packaging CAD

  22. 感悟包装装潢中的汉字创意设计

    Sensation of Creative Chinese characters Design in Packaging Decoration

  23. 浅谈数字化设计技术在包装装潢中的应用

    The digital Design of Packing and decorating in Products

  24. 谈谈包装装潢的文字设计与构成

    Discussion on Word Design and Composition of Packing Decoration

  25. 试论包装装潢的民族性商品装潢的流弊及对策

    Discussion on The Objection And Solution of Merchandise Packing

  26. 图形设计与药品包装装潢的内在联系

    Internal Relations between the Graphic Design and Pharmaceutical Packaging

  27. 镂空设计在包装装潢中的运用

    " Hollow out " Design Applied in Packaging Design

  28. 第5届华东地区包装装潢设计评比展览交流会优秀作品选登

    Selected Works from the 5 th Package Design Competition for East China Region

  29. 龙纹图案在中国酒包装装潢上的应用研究

    Research on the Application of the Dragon-pattern used the Package of Chinese Wine

  30. 浅析包装装潢设计中的疏密运用

    Simple Analyse the Density Appilcation in Packing Decoration Design