
  • 网络UN Specification packaging markings
  1. 注意,用于包装标记的元素是相同的,只有内容不同。

    Notice that the elements used to wrap markup are identical ; only their content varies .

  2. 石灰和石灰制品取样方法、检查、包装和标记方法

    Sampling , inspection , packing and marking of lime and limestone products

  3. 复合软木。膨胀连接填充料。规范、包装和标记。

    Composition cork-Expansion joint fillers-Specifications , packaging and marking .

  4. 在合同评审期间,由客户明确包装、标记和运输要求,该要求应以项目相关程序和规范规定的形式发送给所有人员。

    Requirements are defined by the client and these are established during contract review activities and are transmitted to all personnel in the form of project related procedures and specifications .

  5. 外包装上的标记必须绝对正确、清晰。

    Correct and distinct marking for the outside containers is absolutely necessary .

  6. 给出了如何利用机器视觉、图象处理、神经网络等智能化方法对生产线上的玻璃包装瓶罐分类标记实时地进行识别。

    How to use the machine visions , image processing and neural network techniques to recognize the classified number of the glass bottles is discussed .

  7. 备件和工具包装应如上标记,附加“备件”或“工具”字样,如可行。

    Spare parts and tools packages should be marked as above , with the addition of " spare parts " or " tools ", whichever is applicable .

  8. 组件是指任何原料,物质,计件,第一部分,软件,固件,贴标签,或,是为了被纳入为部分成品,包装,并标记装置。

    Component means any raw material , substance , piece , part , software , firmware , labeling , or assembly which is intended to be included as part of the finished , packaged , and labeled device .

  9. 如果将每个元素都包装到一个标记中,那么只有非JavaScript的用户代理能看见它:这些用户正是您所希望的。

    If you wrap each element in a tag , it will be seen only by users of non-JavaScript user agents : the exact users you want to see them .

  10. 第十五条专利权人有权在其专利产品或者该产品的包装上标明专利标记和专利号。

    Article l5 . The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product .

  11. 货物或者其包装上标有原产地标记的,其原产地标记所标明的原产地应当与依照本条例所确定的原产地相一致。

    If goods or their packaging carry a mark of origin , the origin indicated on the mark of origin shall be consistent with the origin as determined in accordance with these regulations .

  12. 若因承包商未能依据上述要求对板条箱或包装进行包装或标记,对业主造成任何费用或额外成本的,承包商应承担上述费用和额外成本。

    Should the employer incur any charges or extra cost due to the contractor 's failure in packing or marking the crated or packages in accordance with the above description , the Contractor shall be responsible for such charges and extra costs .

  13. 制定包装、包装材料和标记的方法和程序,以保护和管理产品和包装材料的质量。

    Develop packing , packaging , and marking methods and procedures to protect and control the quality of products and packaging materials .