- 网络UN Specification packaging markings

Notice that the elements used to wrap markup are identical ; only their content varies .
Sampling , inspection , packing and marking of lime and limestone products
Composition cork-Expansion joint fillers-Specifications , packaging and marking .
Requirements are defined by the client and these are established during contract review activities and are transmitted to all personnel in the form of project related procedures and specifications .
Correct and distinct marking for the outside containers is absolutely necessary .
How to use the machine visions , image processing and neural network techniques to recognize the classified number of the glass bottles is discussed .
Spare parts and tools packages should be marked as above , with the addition of " spare parts " or " tools ", whichever is applicable .
Component means any raw material , substance , piece , part , software , firmware , labeling , or assembly which is intended to be included as part of the finished , packaged , and labeled device .
If you wrap each element in a tag , it will be seen only by users of non-JavaScript user agents : the exact users you want to see them .
Article l5 . The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product .
If goods or their packaging carry a mark of origin , the origin indicated on the mark of origin shall be consistent with the origin as determined in accordance with these regulations .
Should the employer incur any charges or extra cost due to the contractor 's failure in packing or marking the crated or packages in accordance with the above description , the Contractor shall be responsible for such charges and extra costs .
Develop packing , packaging , and marking methods and procedures to protect and control the quality of products and packaging materials .