
  • 网络packaging function
  1. 物流对包装功能要求的分析

    Analysis and study on logistics requirements of packaging function

  2. 包装功能要素设计法

    The Design Method of Packaging Function Factor

  3. 这种本地包装功能是整个JMC项目里最简单的部分。

    This native-wrapper functionality is the easiest part of the whole JMC project .

  4. 探讨新鲜食品薄膜的包装功能

    Plastic film for fresh food packaging

  5. 包装功能论初析

    Analysis on Packaging Function

  6. 他们计划推出软包装功能饮料,而功能饮料是世界上增长最快的饮料品种。

    The plan was to launch energy drinks , the world 's fastest-growing drink category , in flexible packaging .

  7. 三:依据包装功能、造型、消费模式来实现可持续性的实践价值。

    Principle 3 : According to the packaging functions , modeling , consumption patterns to achieve sustainable value in practice .

  8. 从食品包装功能的价值分析着手,运用价值工程理论中的价值原理,分析食品包装卫生安全的价值;

    Applying the theories in value engineering ( VE ), analysis the value of food package 's hygienic safety form the value of food package 's function .

  9. 根据军用物资的不同分类,基于包装功能的多目标规划建立多目标规划模型,对各种军用物资包装方案进行评优选择。

    Different kinds of military material packaging projects were chosen according to different classification of military material and establishment of multi-objective programming model based on packaging function 's multi-objective programming .

  10. 塑料薄膜的激光切割和打孔看似微不足道,但将该工艺引入到制袋工艺中,制袋质量和包装功能将能进一步优化,企业的市场竞争力将进一步提升。

    Laser cutting and perforation of polymer film seems to be a trivial task , but when this process is incorporated into flexible package manufacturing , it provides many possibilities to further optimize the quality of packaging and to further upgrade the competitive power of flexible package companies .

  11. 包装物流功能分析及模糊综合评价评价模型

    Analysis on Package Logistics Function and Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Model

  12. 论包装的功能价值与商品附加值

    A Study of the Function Value of Packaging and Additional Value of Merchandize

  13. 论商品包装道德功能

    The Function of the Commodity Packing Morality

  14. 纸盒包装:功能性好魅力四射前途广阔

    Great future of Carton Packaging

  15. 设计中更应体现包装的功能理念和装璜的定位理念。

    Design inside more should the function principle that pack now with pack the fixed position principle of the decoration ?

  16. 商品包装道德功能具体体现为认识功能、调节功能、评价功能、教育功能、平衡功能等。

    Commodity packing ethics is embodied in such concrete functions as cognition , adjustment , assessment , education and balance .

  17. 本论文从中国民间的传统销售包装的功能入手,研究传统销售包装的设计思想。

    This paper , starting with the function of Chinese folk traditional consumer package , probes into the design philosophy of it .

  18. 那么,从消费者的心理角度解决包装精神功能的设计越来越重要。

    From the view of consumer psychological need , it seem to increasingly important that designers must be solve the packaging mental function .

  19. 他们希望到一个单一的移动设备包装多种功能。他们希望即使是最基本的功能手机,无法融入已经取得了什么是最昂贵的手机仅在几年前,但。

    They want even the most basic handsets to incorporate functionality that could not have been achieved in anything but the most expensive handsets only a few years ago .

  20. 在满足包装基本功能的前提下,充分体现个性化消费需求、彰显人文关怀和拓展产品功能的智能化包装逐步兴起。

    When the basic functions of the package are satisfied , an intelligent package springs up increasingly , which fully indicates personalized consumption demand and expresses humanistic care and develops the products ' functions .

  21. 系统地阐述了商品包装的功能作用及商品包装的价值性意义,同时针对商品包装存在的问题揭示了商品包装经济失效性的负面作用。

    The function and significance of commodity packaging were expounded form a systematic view , and the negative effects caused by economic inefficiency of commodity packaging were disclosed in view of the problems with commodity packaging .

  22. 从物流包装的功能和费用入手,阐述价值分析法在物流包装中应用的总思路及如何提高物流包装价值,并列举实例。

    S : The general way of thinking about the application of value analysis method in logistics packaging , and how to increase the value of logistics packaging were discussed beginning with the function and cost of logistics packaging . Some examples were enumerated .

  23. 氰戊菊酯对包装工人心血管功能的亚临床影响

    The Subclinical Effects of Fenvalerate on the Cardiovascular Functions among the Packers

  24. 阐述了塑料包装薄膜的功能化发展趋势。

    The development trend of functional plastics film for packaging is discussed .

  25. 不要试图给应用包装太多功能。

    Don 't try to clutter your app with too many functions .

  26. 回归包装设计的功能性原点

    Return to the functional point of package design

  27. 电机包装箱的功能设置

    Functional Device for Packaging Boxes of Motors

  28. 浅析商品包装的营销功能与消费心理

    The Promotion and Consumer Psychology of Packaging

  29. 热成型无菌包装机的功能原理

    Functionality of steam aseptic packaging machine

  30. 商品包装的心理功能

    Psychological function of goods packaging