
  1. 包装现代化与发展趋势

    Packaging Modernizations and Trends

  2. 包装工业现代化提出了许多与力学各分支学科相关的问题。

    There are many mechanics problems in the modernization of packaging industry .

  3. 没有现代化的包装机械就没有现代化的包装工业,没有与国际市场接轨的机电产品包装,就不能扩大机电产品出口,就不能参与国际交流与合作。

    Without modern packaging machinery , there will be no modern packaging industry ; without machinery products packaging linking the international market , it will be difficult to expand machinery and electric product exports , and to participate in international competition and cooperation .

  4. 自动包装线&企业包装现代化的标志。

    Automatic packing line & the modern symbol of enterprise in packing .