
  • package;packaging bag;Packing bag
  1. 介绍了废旧PE薄膜或包装袋净化、造粒方法及其与新料共混生产地膜的工艺条件,所得再生PE地膜的指标符合国家标准。

    The purification and the granulation of recycled PE film or packing bag and the processing condition of preparing mulch film were presented . The specification of reworked PE mulch film could meet the domestic standard .

  2. 食用菌栽培包装袋用无纺布胶粘剂的研制与应用

    Research and application on non-woven fabrics adhesive for packing bag to plant food-mushrooms

  3. 包装袋上贴上了一大张地址签条。

    A large address label was gummed to the package .

  4. 按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。

    Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet .

  5. 他拿着包裹冲进客厅,兴奋地撕开包装袋。

    He raced into the living room with his package , excitedly pulling at the wrappings .

  6. 他们问,为什么城市或城镇要为处理电视包装袋出资?

    Why , they ask , should cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrapthat encased your television ?

  7. 许多食品包装袋被空运到另一个半球。

    Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth .

  8. 他们用手机来掩饰行踪,用多力多滋的包装袋来配送现金

    Mobile phones were binned to cover their tracks and cash passed aroundin Doritos packets .

  9. 列入首批禁塑名录的产品包括一次性塑料袋、包装袋、餐盒、碗、水杯以及吸管等不可降解聚合物制品。

    The first batch of items to be banned include products such as disposable plastic bags , packaging bags , meal boxes , bowls , drink cups and straws made from non-biodegradable polymers .

  10. 民航局表示,明年起,国内客运航班将禁止提供一次性不可降解塑料吸管、餐具、包装袋等用品。

    China will ban the use of disposable plastic packaging bags , tableware and straws made from non-degradable materials on domestic flights starting next year , the Civil Aviation Administration of China said .

  11. 报告重申,到2025年年底,全国范围邮政快递网点禁止使用不可降解的塑料包装袋、塑料胶带和一次性塑料编织袋。

    Compiled by the development and research center of the State Post Bureau , the report reaffirmed the country 's plan to cease the use of non-degradable plastic packaging , plastic tape , and single-use plastic woven bags at postal and express service outlets by 2025 .

  12. 鲜切菜贮藏过程中其包装袋内CO2含量呈稳定上升趋势。

    The CO2 contents in the packages of fresh-cut vegetables steadily increased during storage period .

  13. 当包装袋内外存在N2渗透时,现行的MAP数学模型存在较大的误差。

    When the infiltration of N_2 existed , current MAP mathematics model has errors .

  14. 贮藏时在包装袋内加入CO2吸收剂,可延长贮藏后香石竹切花的瓶插寿命,促进花朵的充分开放。

    CO2 absorbing substance in storage package could lengthen the vase life of carnation after storage .

  15. 标准加入ICP-AES法测定食品包装袋中8种微量元素

    Standard addition determination of eight microelements in food wrapper by ICP-AES

  16. 草鱼段气调包装袋内CO2动态变化与鱼体肌肉表面pH值关系

    Relation of dynamic changes in CO_2 of modified atmosphere packaging ( MAP ) of fresh grass carp steaks to muscle surface pH

  17. ⑷包装袋材料对保鲜效果影响很大,普通的PE薄膜不适合于抽真空或充气等处理。

    ⑷ There is more effect for packing material in preservation . General PE is not fit for vacuum packing and gas flushing .

  18. 结论应用3M纸塑包装袋包装灭菌,效果可靠,无菌有效期执行半年安全,且方法简便,切实可行。

    Conclusion 3M paper plastic package is effective , safe , easy and feasible .

  19. 3M纸塑包装袋灭菌监测方法观察

    Supervision Methods of 3M Paper Plastics Package Sterilization

  20. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)在工业领域具有很广泛的应用,如各种包装袋、饮料瓶等。

    Polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) has been very widely used in the fields of packaging , such as all kinds of packing bags , drink bottles etc. .

  21. 硅窗袋和微孔膜包装袋内CO2含量较高,好果率也较高,两种包装方式是枣果贮藏比较适宜的包装方式。

    The content of CO2 and good fruit rates were higher in with silicon window bags and micro hole film bags , they were good storage ways for jujube .

  22. 介绍了银色金属感塑料添加剂的配方、制备工艺、特点以及在PE银色包装袋膜上的应用。

    The formulation , processing technology and the performances of plastics additive master batch with silver - metallic appearance and the applications of this additive to PE silver packaging bags and films were introduced .

  23. 经FT-TR仪及X射线萤光光谱仪检测,结果表明:药物包装袋内层膜的材质是聚乙烯(PE),外层膜的材质是聚丙烯(PP)。奶粉包装袋内层膜的材质是PE;

    The results obtained immediate that for the medic packet the inner film is made of polyethylene ( PE ) and the outer film is made of polypropylene ( PP ) .

  24. UHMWPE在生物医学材料领域的应用目前主要集中在关节替代材料、组织支架、输血泵、包装袋等医用材料中。

    The application of UHMWPE materials in the biomedical field is currently focused on joint replacement materials , tissue scaffolds , blood pumps , bags and other medical materials .

  25. 结果应用3M纸塑包装袋包装灭菌,生物、化学监测均达标,其无菌有效期可达半年以上。

    Results To kill bacteria by using 3M paper plastics package , the biochemical index reach the standard , the sterilization period of validity is above half year .

  26. 采用自发气调和微波预处理保鲜甜玉米,贮藏3天后,包装袋内的气体比例趋于平衡,O2含量为1.0%左右,CO2含量为20%左右。

    The gas ratio in the package will tend to balance after 3 days of atmosphere combined with microwave pretreatment to fresh sweet corn , and O2 is about 1.0 % , CO2 is about 20 % .

  27. 进行了不同温度和薄膜包装袋对茄子果实冷害发生、电解质渗透率及果实呼吸强度、果肉Vc含量变化的研究。

    Effects of different temperatures and modified atmosphere package ( MAP ) on chilling injury ( CI ) - induced increase of electrolyte leakage rate ( ELR ), respiratory rate and flesh Vc content of eggplant fruits were studied during storage .

  28. 这类顾客信息很关键,有助于理解某个顾客回大巴时为什么拿着古驰(Gucci)包装袋,而不是路易威登(LouisVuitton)的袋子,或者相反。

    Such customer intelligence could be the key to understanding why a particular shopper gets back on the bus with a parcel from Gucci rather than Louis Vuitton , or vice versa ,

  29. 贮藏16d后甜椒腐烂率依次为葡甘聚糖涂膜<低密度聚乙烯薄膜包装袋包装<室温贮藏。

    After 16d of storage , the order of sweet rot rate was : KGM coating storage at room temperature .

  30. 采用该胶制成的复合薄膜食品包装袋可耐121℃、40min的蒸煮。

    The laminated film for food package can resist to boiling and steaming 40 min in 121 ℃ .