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  • Yifei Liu;Crystal;Crystal Liu
  1. 我们看的是刘亦菲主演的新版本的片子。

    And we saw the new edition which Yifei Liu acted the leading role .

  2. 电影由妮基·卡罗导演,代表作有《骑鲸士》、《动物园长的夫人》,女中豪杰花木兰由刘亦菲扮演。

    Niki Caro - of Whale Rider and The Zookeeper 's Wife fame - will direct , with Yifei Liu already cast as the titular hero .

  3. 另外,刘亦菲同时还是Dior,Tissot,Garnier和Pantene等品牌大使,最新的爱情剧《三生三世,十里桃花》,在中国暑期市场捞金8千2百3十万美元。

    Liu , who has served as a brand ambassador for Dior , Tissot , Garnier and Pantene , most recently starred in the fantasy romance Once Upon a Time , which earned $ 82.3 million in China this summer .

  4. 迪士尼发现,刘亦菲身上具备所有条件。

    In Liu , Disney found the complete package .

  5. 做一个广告视频剪辑,在网上发现刘亦菲的这个电视广告。

    For an advertisement video clips , I found the TV advertisement of Liu Yifei on line .

  6. 他自认和刘亦菲的吻最有感觉、最纯情。

    He confessed that most has the feeling with the Liu also Philippines 's lips , the purest sentiment .

  7. 虽然只有十九岁,刘亦菲却力求完美,她在上课一个月之后继续请老师教导。

    A perfectionist at the tender age of nineteen , she continued with her own training after the first month .

  8. 既然喜欢大姐姐,为何新作又大胆起用新生代女星刘亦菲?

    Since likes the big elder sister , the recent work is also why bold appoints the Cainozoic Era star Liu also Philippines ?

  9. 女演员刘亦菲、林志玲和范冰冰是中国剩男的梦中情人前三甲,调查发现。

    Actresses Crystal Liu , Lin Chiling and Fan Bingbing ranked as the top three dream women for Chinese leftover men , the survey found .

  10. 该影片的中国主演刘亦菲,在2008年和成龙、李连杰也主演了《功夫之王》。

    The film features young Chinese actress Liu Yifei , who also featured in " The Forbidden Kingdom " with Jackie Chan and Jet Lee in 2008 .

  11. 本剧的主角花木兰由刘亦菲出演,剧中木兰为了不让自己年迈的父亲出征而假扮男人从军。

    The titular heroine , Hua Mulan ( Liu Yifei ) , disguises herself as a man in order to spare her elderly father from having to join the military .

  12. 大部分受欢迎女性都来自娱乐圈,比如霉霉、麦当娜、朴雅卡·乔普拉、刘亦菲、盖尔加朵等。

    The majority of women featured hail from the entertainment industry , with Taylor Swift , Madonna , Priyanka Chopra , Liu Yifei and Gal Gadot all making an appearance .

  13. 中国女演员刘亦菲将在迪士尼翻拍的《花木兰》真人电影中扮演女将军花木兰。该片改编自同名中国古典传说。

    Chinese actress Liu Yifei , also known as Crystal Liu , is set to star as the title woman warrior in Disney 's live-action adaptation of the classic Chinese tale .

  14. 这部电影的背景设定在中国古代,刘亦菲饰演的年轻女子花木兰为了让老父免于从军,将自己伪装成一名士兵。

    Set in ancient China , it follows a young woman , Mulan , played by Crystal Liu , who disguises herself as a warrior to spare her aged father from going into the military .

  15. 刘亦菲这个名字对于西方观众来说可能有些陌生,但她是中国最受欢迎的女演员之一,被粉丝和媒体称为“神仙姐姐”。

    While Liu may not be familiar to Western audiences , she is considered one of China 's most popular actresses and has been nicknamed the " Fairy Sister " by fans and the media .

  16. 从预告片来看,这部电影中将出现一些宏大的战争场面和壮观的山川美景,刘亦菲饰演的中国女孩花木兰将假扮成男子在皇帝的军队中证明自己的实力。

    Judging by the trailers , Mulan will have some huge battle scenes and spectacular mountain scenery , as a Chinese girl ( Yifei Liu ) disguised as a man proves herself in the emperor 's army .

  17. 斗转星移,刘亦菲如今成为了多少少男们的梦中情人,不过,跑步机对于成长经历与众不同,身世背景神秘的刘亦菲来说,她远不止“少男梦中情人”这么一个角色。

    The seasons have changed , Yifei now the number of boys who dream lover , but for the unique growth experience , background mysterious origins Yifei , far more than her " dream lover boys " such a role .

  18. 电视剧版本的《三生三世十里桃花》由大陆演员杨幂和台湾演员赵又廷联袂出演,分别饰演女主角狐族帝姬和男主角龙族太子,电影中相对应的人物角色则分别由刘亦菲和杨洋饰演。

    The TV series saw mainland actress Yang Mi and Taiwan actor Mark Chao , respectively , as the fox and the dragon , but their roles will be played by actress Liu Yifei and Yang Yang in the movie .

  19. 该片基于中国的一个传说故事,讲述一个女孩(刘亦菲饰演)假扮成男人去从军。新片没有采用1998年动画中的任何一首歌曲,更别提艾迪·墨菲配音的爱说俏皮话的龙了。

    Based on the Chinese legend of a girl ( Liu Yifei ) who disguises herself as a man so that she can join the imperial army , it doesn 't have any of the songs from the 1998 film , let alone a wisecracking dragon voiced by Eddie Murphy .

  20. 刘亦菲以其清纯动人的形象被中国的大众称为“神仙姐姐”,由于出演过一系列收视率很高的民国时期电视剧,她成为欢迎的电视剧女演员之一,当时她只有十几岁,还在北京电影学院上学。

    Nicknamed " Fairy Sister " by the Chinese public for her pure and innocent looks and image , she has been one of the country 's most popular actresses of the current generation since breaking out with a series of hit television dramas in the mid-2000s , while she was still a teenager enrolled in the Beijing Film Academy .