
  1. 这些协议都是并购协议的替身,刘长乐表示。

    These deals are proxies for M & A , Mr Liu said .

  2. 刘长乐19岁参军。

    Mr Liu joined the army at 19 .

  3. 刘长乐眼中的平遥:有历史、有文化、有味道

    Pingyao in the Eyes of Liu Changle : Rich in Culture , History and Elegance

  4. 刘长乐先生早年任职于中国中央人民广播电台,从事记者工作。

    Mr Liu spent his early years working for the China Central People 's Radio Station .

  5. 刘长乐取得上述业绩,靠的是把家长式作风与西方现代管理相结合。

    Mr Liu has achieved this growth with a mixture of paternalistic and modern western management methods .

  6. 刘长乐也为自己允许手下记者在报道重大新闻事件时挑战极限而自豪。

    Mr Liu also prides himself in having allowed reporters to push the envelope on important news events .

  7. 刘长乐表示,新的频道将聚焦于有关中国的财经新闻,以及中国文化和语言节目。

    Mr Liu said the channel would focus on providing economic and financial news about China and Chinese culture and language programmes .

  8. 但作为创始人的刘长乐说,这一点不再重要,因为在互联网的帮助下,信息的传播范围已远远超出卫星电视的覆盖范围。

    But its founder asserts that no longer matters as the internet is now helping spread information far beyond the reach of satellite TV .

  9. 刘长乐表示,凤凰卫视正在为可能的收购组建其首只私人股本基金,目标将是媒体相关的机构。

    Phoenix is in the process of setting up its first private equity fund for potential buy-outs or acquisitions , aimed at media-related targets , Mr Liu said .

  10. 受过记者培训后,青年的刘长乐在中央人民广播电台谋到一份军事记者的工作,并一路做到了主管职位。

    The young man , following his training as a journalist , found work as a military reporter at the state radio station and rose through the ranks to management .

  11. 我们理解他们的处境,他们也应该理解我们的处境,在解释凤凰卫视如何在政治障碍重重的市场上披荆斩棘时,刘长乐如此评说中国高层官员。

    We understand their situation , and they probably also understand our situation , he says about senior officials to explain how Phoenix navigates the political difficulties of this market .

  12. 刘长乐表示,他的新英语频道项目也可能被视为这种对外宣传的一部分,但他坚称,这是一个纯商业项目。

    Mr Liu said his new venture would also be at risk of being seen as part of this propaganda push , but he insisted it was a purely commercial undertaking .

  13. 由于这场浩劫,中国人极为珍视后来市场改革所带来的相对自由和繁荣。刘长乐与同时代的中国企业家对这场残酷的运动怀有共同的记忆。

    Mr Liu shares the memory of this brutal movement , which made the Chinese greatly appreciate the relative freedom and prosperity brought on by later market reforms , with a whole generation of entrepreneurs .

  14. 他们在收看中央电视台的同时,很多人希望得到更多的信息,刘长乐表示。凤凰应该是他们非常主要的了解外面情况的通道。

    While they are watching CCTV [ the main state broadcaster ] , many hope to gain more information , says Mr Liu . Therefore Phoenix is probably a very important channel for their understanding of the outside world .

  15. 一个方式是从头构建一个平台,另一种方式是收购一个平台,凤凰卫视创始人兼行政总裁刘长乐对英国《金融时报》表示。收购的好处是这个频道将已经拥有落地权。

    One way would be to build a platform from scratch , the other would be to acquire a platform , Liu Changle , Phoenix founder and chief executive , told the FT. The benefit of acquisition is that the [ channel ] would have landing rights already .