
zhōng yōng
  • The Doctrine of the Mean;the golden mean (of the Confucian school);the golden mean of the Confucian school;mediate
中庸 [zhōng yōng]
  • (1) [the golden mean (of the Confucian school)]∶儒家的道德标准,待人接物不偏不倚,调和折中

  • 中庸之为德也,甚至矣乎!--《论语.雍也》

  • (2) [The Doctrine of the Mean]∶见四书

  • (3) [mediare]∶德才平常;中材

  • 材能不及中庸。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

中庸[zhōng yōng]
  1. 中庸思想与社会和谐

    The Thought of the Golden Mean of the Confucian School and Social Harmony

  2. 中庸作为中国认识史上的一个古老的概念,不仅是儒家哲学的重要范畴,也是中华传统文化的精华之一。

    As an old idea of knowledge in the Chinese history , the golden mean of the Confucian school is not only an important category of the Confucianists but also the prime of the Chinese traditional cultures .

  3. 他关于中庸和中产阶级的观点引起媒体的注意,使他成为获胜的热门人选。

    His message about moderation and the middle class captured the attention of the press , which anointed him front-runner .

  4. 他持中庸观点。

    He was moderate in his views .

  5. 仁者,人也;义者,宜也。(《中庸》)

    Benevolence is acting like a human being ; righteousness is doing what is right .

  6. 中庸思想者(Thegoldenmean)说,在所有事物中,中庸之道是生存的最佳。

    The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one 's life .

  7. 在这家由鞋履转为成衣的巴黎知名时尚公司,前任创意总监亚历山德罗•萨托利(AlessandroSartori)营造了中庸氛围。

    Its previous creative director , Alessandro Sartori , had cultivated an air of appropriateness at this storied Parisian shoemaker-turned-clothier .

  8. 基于中国中庸文化心理的产品设计研究

    Research on Design Based on Chinese Golden Mean of Culture Psychology

  9. 伟大的中庸:重新认识约翰·密尔的新闻思想

    Great Compromise : Revisited John Mill 's Thought on Free Press

  10. 孙武与中庸思想

    Sun Wu and his thought of The Doctrine of the Mean

  11. 儒家是一种鸢飞鱼跃、活泼有致的生命哲学,重日用伦常,提倡和谐中庸之美。

    It is a kind of philosophy attitude to the life .

  12. 而《中庸》则处于这两条不同发展路向之间。

    And " mean " is the two different development between .

  13. 新课程改革:中庸哲学的视点

    The New Curriculum Reform : The Enlightenment of Moderation Philosophy

  14. 首先界定中庸和中庸境界的内涵。

    At first , it defines the meaning of the golden mean .

  15. 中庸之用中思想现实性发微

    The Sending Micro of the Using Intermediate for Feasibility in Golden mean

  16. 说我失去了些什么,说我步入了中庸。

    Said I 've lost something , said I 've gone middle-of-the-road .

  17. 历史表明,日本做事很少走中庸路线。

    History shows that Japan rarely does things by half-measures .

  18. 中庸文化心理结构异化论略

    Alienation Theory of Psychological Structure of " Mean " Culture

  19. “中庸”的社会影响与文学效用

    Social influence and literary effectiveness " the doctrine of the mean "

  20. 也论孔子的中庸思想

    Discussion On Confucius ′ s Thought Of The Golden Mean

  21. 不去冒险会让你的生活平淡、中庸、无趣。

    Not taking chances will lead to a life of colorless mediocrity .

  22. 《中庸》中三的运用

    The Use of " three " in The Doctrine of the Mean

  23. 中庸四义

    The Four Meanings That The Golden Mean of Confucian Conveys

  24. 在相似的历史背景下,他们提出了中庸思想。

    They advanced the theory of the mean in similar historical background .

  25. 学习在任何事情都得中庸,并且试着别惺惺作态。

    Learn moderation in everything , and try not to be hypocritical .

  26. 居中的,中间的;中庸的。

    Occupying a middle or intermediate position between two extremes .

  27. 诚:儒家心学的奠基性观念&试论《中庸》诚说

    Honesty : Confucian Foundational Concept & On Honesty in Mean

  28. 《中庸》及其现代价值

    On The Doctrine of the Mean and its modern value

  29. 中庸思想及其当代意义

    Doctrine of the Mean Thought and Its Contemporary Significance

  30. 对“中庸”思想的理解也反对“过”与“不及”。

    The understanding of " Middlebrow " should also take the middle way .