
  • Yang Mi;Mini Yang;Mi Yang;yoyo
  1. 28岁的杨幂是一位政府工作人员,她的境遇就要比罗峥幸运得多了。

    Government officer Yang Mi , 28 , was luckier than Luo .

  2. 以杨幂为例,仅仅一年间,她就有五部电影与两部电视剧上映。

    For example , Yang Mi had five movies and two TV series released in a single year .

  3. 电视剧版《三生三世十里桃花》于1月30日首播,由人气女演员杨幂和迪丽热巴主演。

    The TV version premiered on Jan 30 and starred two popular actresses , Yang Mi and Dilraba .

  4. 中国名人,包括演员杨幂,张嘉倪,霍思燕也参与到其中。

    Chinese celebrities , including actressesYang Mi , Zhang Jiani and Huo Siyan , have also got in on the act .

  5. 根据此书改编,由杨幂和刘恺威饰演的电视剧,在2013年播出时掀起一股收视狂潮。

    A TV adaption of the book , starring Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei , was a huge hit when broadcast in 2013 .

  6. 杨幂的丈夫并未反对该协议,相反他认为遵守协议内容是表达爱的一种方式。

    The agreement drew no protest from Yang ` s husband who saw his compliance with it as a way to express his love .

  7. 杨幂因其在该片中的不俗表现获得了最佳女演员雷米奖,而该电影也获得了雷米奖最佳电影奖。

    Yang Mi won the Best Actress Remi Award for her great job in the movie " Reset , " which also received the Remi Award-Best in Show .

  8. 《亲爱的翻译官》以一部大受欢迎的网络小说为基础,乔菲(杨幂)是一名法语专业本科生,她立志成为一名口译。

    Les Interpretes is based on a popular online novel . Qiao Fei ( Yang Mi ) , an undergraduate majoring in French , aspires to be an interpreter .

  9. 最近在巴厘岛办婚礼的一对明星夫妇就是林霍,此前,杨幂和刘恺威、刘诗诗和吴奇隆等明星也在巴厘岛举办过婚宴,对该岛起到了不错的宣传作用。

    Before the latest celebrity couple , the island also hosted wedding parties for celebrities Yang Mi and Hawick Lau , and Liu Shishi and Nicholas Wu , which have been good to promote the island .

  10. 本届颁奖典礼公布了20个奖项,杨幂摘得最具海外影响力奖,她也是电影节的善意大使。

    Around 20 awards were handed out at this year 's ceremony , among which the best overseas influence award has been presented to Yang Mi , who is also the film festival 's good will ambassador .

  11. 杨幂的丈夫每月收入约2万元(合2930美金),而协议则规定丈夫要如数上缴工资,之后杨幂会拿出5000元作为男方的当月开销。

    Yang ` s husband earns about 20,000 yuan ( $ 2,930 ) every month , but the agreement stated that he would give it all to Yang , who would then hand over 5,000 yuan for his monthly expenses .

  12. 电视剧版本的《三生三世十里桃花》由大陆演员杨幂和台湾演员赵又廷联袂出演,分别饰演女主角狐族帝姬和男主角龙族太子,电影中相对应的人物角色则分别由刘亦菲和杨洋饰演。

    The TV series saw mainland actress Yang Mi and Taiwan actor Mark Chao , respectively , as the fox and the dragon , but their roles will be played by actress Liu Yifei and Yang Yang in the movie .